"Chanel No. 5"

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     That's what happened when Linda got especially friendly with Susan Borning downstairs.  She was a sweet, good-natured kid and had been trying for months to land even a small part in any play in or around Chicago, summer theaters included.

     This particular evening Linda was glancing over her mouth-watering array of suits and had a smart looking rose pink number spread on the bed, when Sue dashed in practically beside her chubby self with joy.

     We gathered finally that a certain Mr. Abel had broken down and just about okayed Sue for a part in a new play he was directing.

     "I'm trying out tomorrow afternoon--and gosh," she added wistfully eyeing the suit on the bed.  "I wish I had something special and luscious to wear."

     Linda hadn't said a word, but she now glanced at the pink suit and back at Susan.  Heck anyone could see that the suit and Susan's  flaming red hair staged a riot act together, and you could have knocked me over when Linda carelessly tossed the jacket to Susan.

     Susan fingered the material.  "Linda, it's so beautiful.  Can I wear it this once?"

     "Help yourself," said Linda, and while I stood there beating my brains out trying to think of something to stop this farce, Susan thrust willing hands into the sleeves.

     I shuddered as the pink made Susan's unusually lovely skin look blotchy and unattractive.  Her hair suddenly lost all it's fire and seemed dead and frizzy.

     "Susan," I said sharply.  But Linda interrupted pulling Sue and suit to the door.

     "Jean has a heavy date.  Let's take the suit to your room and fix the skirt.  It will look wonderful on you."

     And that was that.  Sue seemed in such raptures and Linda so convincing I began to doubt if I had any clothes sense at all.  Maybe my taste was all in my mouth.

     No, Sue didn't get the part.

     "I was so sure Jean," Sue told me at dinner the next night.  "All Mr. Abel said was the part had been filled, no reason, no nothing."  And Sue sitting there in that pink suit looked the picture of despair.

     A faint suspicion about Linda began to beat a tango in my head and I told Johnny all about it.

     "Too bad for Sue, but really Linda probably thought that she was doing the kid a good turn.  Anyway don't worry about it tonight--we're supposed to be celebrating."

     And we were celebrating as Johnny had been made a sorta small cog, but a step up nevertheless in TV advertising for my honey.  I began to feel my career as Mrs. John Towers might begin any day now.

     Linda was propped up in bed reading when I got in which surprised me as she usually rolled in long after I'd hit to road to dreams.

     "I've got a job, Jean," she said laying down her magazine.  "It's just a small part really.  It seems Sue was all wrong for the part."  When I looked startled Linda continued on.  "Mr. Abel decided he needed someone taller, a bit more sophisticated--she will probably get something later."

     I started to say something, then closed my mouth and shut the bottom drawer of the dresser with a such a bang it took me a full half hour to work it open the next morning.  Right then I felt I'd been roommated to a snake.

     After this episode I was just a bit more careful around Linda.  The other girls treated her a bit on the cool side after the squeeze out she'd given Sue got around, but we all had to admit she was darn good in the part.  Even a critic or two mentioned her startling beauty and spoke pleasantly of a real future for her.  But right about that time I was very busy, Linda met Johnny and I began to sharpen my fangs for action.

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