HC • Falling of the ladder

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(I made the ladder here as in theladder you use for libraries.)

Hc requested by carat_pink arigatogozaimasuuuu(kuzuha's supachat thankyou)

You were trying to reach a book using the ladder but you suddenly lose balance, what would the members of noctyx do if they witness it happening.


Sonny Brisko-
-Sonny would hurry up and run as fast as he can catch you.
-Hands on your head immediately.
-"Are you okay? You are? Phew that's great  i almost panicked so hard."
-He wont let you get the book, he'll get it himself.

Uki Violetta-
-Uki would run leap his way into you and catch your back.
-His arms hugging you by the shoulders.
-"Oh my god... that scared the shit out of me,, are you okay???"
-He will make you sit somewhere and he'll get the book for you.

Alban Knox-
-Alban may notice it early and helped you regain your balance.
-he will be holding the ladder stool that you are using.
-"wew, you almost got hurt aye? Thankgod someone was around you or you would've got injured".
-He will help you reach the book you are trying to get.

Fulgur Ovid-
-Fulgur is same as Alban he will help you regain your balance before falling.
-he will hold you in your waist.
-"So close, you almost fell and hurt yourself, do you need my assistance?".
-He will reach the book for you.

Yugo Asuma-
-You are close to the floor when Yugo saw you, he'll act quick and went under you for cushion.
-He will be under you.
-"Ouch that hurts, Are you okay though??? Tell me if you are hurt somewhere so i can help".
-He will ask continuously if you are okay and gets the book for you.


Y'all i made this aftter doing math hw at around 4 am and lost idea so i went and read other stuffs then went back here at 5 then i slept, now its 7 am and i just woke up.

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