Capitulum Viginti-quinque

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There are countless thoughts that run through your mind when you know you're about to do something incredibly dangerous with a very unlikely chance of survival. Faces of family and friends, promises, homework assignments, mistakes, regrets, and even the need the desire for revenge that seemed so important a few hours ago were currently battling for attention. It was enough to make anyone seriously doubt themselves. There was also the fact that neither Harry nor Dumbledore were in what could be considered 'good health' at the moment. The last time Harry took on Death Eaters and succeeded was when he had powerful magical outbursts and the Order of the Phoenix to help him. This time, Harry would have to depend on every ounce of training he had received from Sirius and Remus. He just hoped it would be enough.

With the Death Eaters' attention focused completely on the front gates, Dumbledore took the opportunity to point his wand at the Three Broomsticks and shoot a heavy stream of water to calm the flames slightly for a second or two before they once again raged to life. Harry quickly reached out with his senses for anything that would reveal any sign of emotion. The anger and frustration from the Death Eaters made the task difficult but not impossible.

"Professor," Harry said urgently. "I don't feel anything. Do you think Madam Rosmerta is—"

"—I am certain she is fine, Harry," Dumbledore said confidently as he glanced around the town. "From the lack of uproar, I think it is safe to assume that the habitants of Hogsmeade have fled to safety. Prepare yourself, Harry. This will not be pleasant."

Before Harry could even think of a reply, silver light started to pour out of Dumbledore's wand and take the shape of a familiar looking bird. It immediately took flight, circling over them once before heading directly towards the Death Eaters only soar over them at the last moment and continue flying towards Hogwarts. It was then that the Death Eaters stopped what they were doing and quickly turned around, their wands immediately pointing at Dumbledore and Harry. Their faces were hidden underneath the hoods of their cloaks but the light from the flames allowed flashes of hair and eyes to be seen if one looked hard enough.

"Dumbledore!" a deep voice rasped as one of the larger Death Eaters stepped forward. "Just the person we wanted to see. Open the gates!"

Professor Dumbledore blinked at the Death Eater then let out a sigh. "Is that you, Fenrir?" he asked curiously. "I am surprised that you would risk coming here. I understand Aurors have been instructed to kill you on sight."

The Death Eater pulled back his hood to reveal matted grey hair and whiskers. There was a strange amber glow to his eyes that shouldn't be there in absence of the full moon. Harry stared at the Death Eater with wide eyes. This was the werewolf that had bitten Remus and the werewolf that was currently biting so many children. It seemed that tonight was the night to put faces to those who had committed crimes against people Harry was close to.

"We don't have time for this!" a wheezy voice from a lumpy man spat. "Let's kill him and get it over with!"

Greyback snarled at the Death Eater, bearing his pointed teeth. The Death Eater took a quick step backwards and remained silent. Greyback then returned his gaze to Dumbledore for a long moment before he shifted his gaze to Harry. There was a hungry look in his eyes that made Harry extremely nervous. "Let's kill 'em then," he rasped as he stepped forward, "but I want the boy."

Harry's eyes narrowed angrily as his grip on his wand tightened. He desperately wanted to curse that eager grin off of Greyback's face. The flames around them were growing along with the heat. Harry could feel sweat forming on his forehead and rolling down the sides of his face. Despite the fact that Harry and Dumbledore were greatly outnumbered, it seemed that the Death Eaters were hesitant to fire first. Why? All they had to do was fire at the same time. Couldn't they see that?

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