Capitulum Viginti-quartus

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Neither Harry nor Professor Dumbledore said a word for a long moment. Personally, Harry was waiting for Dumbledore to say something to lighten the mood again but feared that his chance had passed back at Hogwarts. Everything suddenly seemed much more...real than it did at Hogwarts. They were really here. This was really happening. His anger with Professor Dumbledore suddenly didn't seem so important. The revelation of Professor Snape's 'mistake' suddenly seemed to have happened ages ago.

"This is where Tom Riddle brought his youthful victims," Dumbledore said finally breaking the silence. "There is a village of sorts nearby that the orphans had been visiting. Riddle managed to sneak away with the two small children to terrorize them although I believe that the journey itself would have done that for him. We have a little farther to go to reach his final destination...and ours. Follow me, Harry."

They approached the edge of the rock they were standing on to see a collection of alcoves making footholds that lead down to the rocks partially submerged in the water striking against the cliff. The decent looked dangerous, even for an experienced mountain climber. Cold sea water sprayed on their faces every time a wave crashed against the rocks. Dumbledore pulled his wand out and softly said, "Lumos." Countless golden flecks of light appeared and spread out upon the dark water of few feet below them and the wall of rock behind them. It was then that Harry saw it, a gap in the cliff where dark water flowed in and poured back out with each passing wave.

"I hope you will not object to getting a little wet, Harry," Professor Dumbledore said softly.

"No, sir," Harry answered cautiously. "Are you sure there's nothing dangerous in the water?"

Dumbledore smiled. "Oh, I do not think we shall encounter any dangers around here," he said reassuringly. "Most creatures prefer to reside where there is a guarantee of food." Professor Dumbledore moved to the edge of the boulder and knelt down. "Let us take the plunge then."

Harry watched as Dumbledore slid from the boulder and landed in the sea. It took Dumbledore a moment to regain his bearings as he put his wand in his mouth and started to swim towards the fissure in the rock face. Gathering his courage, Harry followed suit, landing in the icy water with a splash. Forcing himself not to think about the coldness around him, Harry swam after the only source of light around them which was Dumbledore's wand. He was suddenly glad that he had transfigured his clothes. He couldn't imagine the added weight his robes would have provided.

Urging his freezing limbs to move, Harry saw the gap in the cliff take the shape of a small dark tunnel filled with water when the tide came in. Three children could have fit in easily but anything bigger than that was another story. The intense stench of seaweed from the walls made Harry gag and resort to breathing out of his mouth. Dumbledore, however, didn't seem to be bothered by the smell as he continued on swimming as his steady pace. Harry continued swimming in Dumbledore's wake as the passageway curved to the left.

When his fingers began to brush against jagged rocks, Harry knew it was shallow enough to stand. He rose to his feet as Dumbledore did the same. The freezing air instantly hit him, making it feel drastically colder than what it actually was. Shivering, Harry cautiously walked through the knee-deep water until he reached steps that led into a large cave. Now completely out of the water, Harry pulled out his wand and quickly cast a drying charm. The last thing he needed at the moment was to get sick.

Looking into the cave, Harry saw Dumbledore standing precisely in the middle with his wand held high. Harry watched as Dumbledore slowly turned on the spot, his eyes taking in every nook and cranny around him. He's searching for something. Harry slowly closed his eyes and reached out with his senses, hoping that he could figure out what Dumbledore was searching for.

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