Capitulum Viginti-quartus

Start from the beginning

It happened almost immediately. Powerful waves struck him, causing Harry to gasp loudly and reach out for something to prevent him from falling over. Intense cold surrounded him as his hand grabbed something steady. He held desperately on to the steady support until the waves slowly decreased to a more manageable level. A shudder passed through him as Harry opened his eyes to see that he was actually holding onto Dumbledore's arm.

"Are you all right, Harry?" Professor Dumbledore asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

Harry nodded as he released his grip on Dumbledore's arm. "I'm fine, sir," he said as another shudder passed through him. "I just wasn't ready for that."

Dumbledore tilted his head curiously. "Ready for what, if I may ask?" he said.

Harry glanced around the cave nervously. "There is so much anger and hatred here," he said quietly. "It's acting like a sort of darkness, absorbing whatever it can take. I don't know how else to explain it, sir."

"Can you locate where it is centered?" Professor Dumbledore asked curiously.

Harry let out a long breath as he met Dumbledore's gaze. That was the last thing he wanted to do but he knew that Professor Dumbledore wouldn't have asked unless it needed to be done. Nervously, Harry nodded and closed his eyes again. Bowing his head, Harry focused on the darkness that was slowly pulling him. He slowly stepped forward as his left hand reached out. The darkness, anger and hatred were getting stronger. Harry could feel it flowing into him, choking him in intense cold. His fingers came in contact with something solid and the negative emotions increased. Harry was gasping for breath against the cold as he moved slowly to the left. His head was swimming, causing him to sway on his feet.

An arm circled around Harry's chest, steadying him. A distant voice was speaking in his hear but Harry couldn't make out what was being said. His hand continued to move as if someone else were controlling it towards the darkness. Harry felt like he was trapped in a semi-awake state until his hand brushed against something incredibly hot, awaking him instantly as he quickly pulled his hand back. Warmth suddenly surrounded him as Harry blinked his eyes open and looked over his shoulder to see Dumbledore's worried gaze.

"Are you all right, my boy?" Dumbledore asked softly. "Do you need another cheering charm?"

Harry shook his head as he closed his eyes and let Dumbledore guide him to the ground. He was turned around before protective arms wrapped around him and pulled him into warmth. Harry instantly wrapped his arms around Professor Dumbledore and held on tight as tears threatened to fall. He never thought he would find something worse than the affects of Dementors but he was wrong. Memories went away. Harry doubted this ever would. If this was what dark magic actually felt like...

Professor Dumbledore was the first to move. Slowly, he weakened his hold and shifted so he could get a better look at Harry's face. "I am so sorry, Harry," Dumbledore said sincerely. "I never expected you to react so severely. It is rare to be able to sense dark magic without the use of spells."

"But I didn't," Harry protested as he looked up into Dumbledore's apologetic blue eyes. "I just followed the anger and hatred I was sensing. They were the easiest to grab onto."

Dumbledore smiled and helped Harry to his feet. "My boy, the most powerful magic we cast happens when our emotions support us. Hatred and anger support dark magic just as love and joy support light magic. You may not be able to sense magic alone, Harry, but you can sense what influences magic. It is truly a remarkable gift; one most would do nearly anything to have—"

"—then they can have it," Harry said quickly as he ran his fingers through his hair. "They're welcomed to feel what's soaked in these walls."

Dumbledore smiled sadly as he glanced around. "Yes, Voldemort certainly was thorough," he said offhandedly. "This is only the antechamber and yet it is so well protected. Unless one knew what they were looking for, they would never find it." Dumbledore turned to the wall and pointed his wand and the rock where Harry's had had just been. For a brief moment, a white arched outline appeared as if light was on the verge of bursting through the crack before vanishing.

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