Lev breaks

386 13 17

Are they sick?
Yes. Love sick 😘

Warning sex jokes

Lev: why does kuroo sans hair look like that?

Kenma: because when he's in bed he uses a red blenket and a white pillow which he needs to sleep with his head and not with the blue blenket and that's why hes fucking gay

Lev: ah thank you kenma San!

Kenma: np

Yaku: wtaf

Kuro: i-

Yamamoto: kenma go to sleep.

Kenma: why should I?

Shiba: because its good for you

Kenma added sugawara to the chat

Kuro: why-

Kenma: Suga San do I need to sleep?

Suga: technically yes but honestly no because the sky is orange and daichi is thick

Fukanaga: he has a point

Inouka: ok how do you understand that-

Fukanaga: it's simple really it's like math

Yamamoto: oh that explains it

suga left the chat

Yaku: Lev why would you ask such a stupid question in the first place?

lev: moving on. fuck you all

yaku: that was random

kuroo: lev don't be disrespectful to your upperclassmen

lev: why don't you fix your damn hair and stop being disrespectful to my eyes

kuroo: ouch-


shiba: LEV NO!


kai: i am so confused

shiba: lev has a lot of pent up aggression

yaku: really?

lev: yes because unlike your shrimpy ass my body is big enough to HOLD IN my anger and violence towards others

yaku: i-

kenma: pffftttttttttttttttttt- i like this lev

kai: oh no....

lev: oh shut up no one even knows you exists half the time kai san.

kai: :(

kenma: damn- if he gets any more mean i might just fall for him

lev: kenma san you are disgusting.

kenma: damn- thats it?

lev: i'd say more but i doubt you'd have the attention span to read an entire message that doesn't relate to your video games.


lev: sorry let me say it in a shorter sentance

lev: you have the attention span of a goldfish

inouka: and we've lost him. this is gonna be shibayama all over again

Shiba: fuck you

Lev: with all due disrespect shibayana the only thing you could fuck is a flesh light. And it would still end up more dominant than you.

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