Chapter 3~Who is she?

Start from the beginning

"No. Seriously. I mean yes, I am attracted to her but she doesn't need me pushing up on her right now."

"Why not? You always go after what you want," said Randy.

"I know but this girl is different. First of all, she ain't know who our family was." Everyone was shocked. Our family was notorious, especially in New York.

"Damn how's that possible?" asked Tito.

"I don't know. I'll ask her when I see her again."
"So what else is it about her?"

"She's just so sweet but her boyfriend is garbage."

"How?" asked Rebbie.

"Well, one when he called during the meeting, whatever he said really hurt her. Then he left her waiting for two hours in the cold for him to pick her up. I ended up having to give her a ride."

"Oh hell naw. I would never have my baby waiting two hours in the cold." Michael said hugging up to his wife.

"Aww thank you baby." They kissed.

"Well one, Whitney would kill your ass for leaving her out there that long. Two, it's just not in you to do her like that."

"Got that right, Jan." Whitney high fived me.

"What else is wrong with this dude?" asked Jackie.

"Here's the kicker. Motherfucker don't even got a job. He drives her car and runs up her bills. She says he's an aspiring artist but honestly, I think he's gaslighting her. She went on and on about how he promised to give her the world. Gil says they've been together since highschool and I'm guessing she's about 24, so that means they've been together for at least 8 years. I couldn't be with her girl like her for that long and not contribute something. Obviously, she's been to college and she's really smart and caring. She even broke down when she found out that Stacee was being bullied. I've never seen a teacher react like that."

"Wow. I knew she was nice and sweet but dang." said Rebbie.

"Well Janet, just be nice to her and be there when she needs you." said Mother.

"I got you."

"Okay now for the main reason for the gathering. Momma C."

"Right." Grandma Crystal sat up straight. "First things first, I want to let all of you know that I love y'all and every one of you guys means the world to me."

"Okay, grandma you're scaring me." said LaToya. "Is something wrong? Are you sick?" She took a deep breath.

"Well, not terribly but I do have stage one breast cancer." I put my head down. Everyone got tears in their eyes. "Now don't y'all go crying. It's not that serious. I just need to do some rounds of chemo to shrink the mass and then they're going to go in and remove it."

"Well, I'm here for you. Let me know if you need anything." I said.

"Of course baby, but that's not the main reason I'm here." She picked up a case. "I have decided who's going to take over because I am passing on ownership of the family business." We were all shocked. We weren't expecting this until she passed away. "I know y'all are shocked but I want to pass on the teaching of the business while I'm still alive. So with that being said, when I die full control of the business will go to my baby, Janet."

"Aye!" said Mike.

"BIG BOSS!" said Tito. Joseph patted me on the back.

"This right here is everything you need to know. When you have time we will sit down and go over everything."

"Alright, grandma. But why me? I mean I'd think Joseph was the obvious choice."

"That's true but baby girl, you are more business savvy than any of us. I mean we're good at keeping the cops away and keeping people's mouths shut but you are good with keeping everything. I mean you're the one who figured out how to keep the cops from catching us." said Joseph.

"Yeah, none of us would have ever thought of starting an actual business to cover up the dealings," said Jermaine.

"Thanks, guys. I appreciate it."

"There's more," said Grandma Crystal. She pulled out some sets of keys. "As the new owner, you get a new house."

"Alright, you're playing now."

"No I'm not. You now have a 50,000 square foot house." She gave me the keys.

"Well what about them?"

"Oh don't worry about that. We all got new houses. You just have the biggest one." said Rebbie.

"Cool. Thanks grandma." I got up and hugged her.

"Now problem. Plus you're gonna need the house when you and that teacher get together." Everyone laughed.

"Shut up y'all."

"I'm serious. I can tell you like her." She grabbed my face. "Just don't be sticking your shit in any nasty thing." She popped me in the head. "Yeah, Joseph told me about the married woman."

"Sorry, grandma. I'm straightening up."

"Good. Because one day you're gonna stick it in someone and she's gonna push out a huge responsibility. Don't be getting these girls pregnant."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now someone put a movie or something on. A comedy." said Jackie. We put on 'Head of State' and just chilled. I was thankful for my family and I was enjoying myself but my mind couldn't stay off of Toni. I just feel like I need to be protecting her.

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