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Fire. Fire and death, the things that normally were made by the Apostle of Baphomet we're the very thing he hated now. His people were being slaughtered and he could do nothing. Why did Baphomet allow these atrocities? Of course he wasn't allowing this, he was busy fighting the lesser gods. His own children had turned on him, all except the two who were most like him, Emroy and Palapon.

With a sigh, the Apostle walked back into the cave that served as Baphomet's hallow ground. He had been strictly ordered not to interfere with the affairs of the others. But if people were to make it to the cave.... Baphomet had told his Apostle to save those who made it.

So far, only three groups had come in. They were a small family which consisted of parents and two children. A few warriors, and a couple which was going to be having a child soon.

Woman: Avurick, why are they doing this?

The Apostle turned his head at the mention of his name. He looked the woman up and down, realizing she was the pregnant one.

Avurick: I believe they view us as a threat. When the smoke cleared tomorrow, you all must leave and head separate ways. Adopt different names and follow different gods. It is no longer safe to follow our lord.

Woman: but that's treason!

Avurick: it is what Baphomet himself has said. Speaking of which...

The room grew colder and darker as the center of the room turned a deep black, and out walked a man, his white skin was seen to be covered in red Tattoos. He had on no shirt and there were two dark orbs in his chest. Around his neck was a strange necklace that didn't need to hang from his neck.

 Around his neck was a strange necklace that didn't need to hang from his neck

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Avurick kneeled down to his lord, but as he did so, he suddenly felt weak.

Baphomet: I do not have long, Avurick, you must listen to me, find a second Apostle. Use this.

He handed a tablet of strange writing out to Avurick. The words didn't make up any words Avurick knew, but it was something his lord wanted, so he would follow his orders.

Baphomet: place these tablets all around Falmart, the Apostle will be one who can read this text. As for yourself and the others... You are free, you may live how you see fit, unless you want to keep following me Apostle, but the only thing I can do is make your life longer. I can no longer communicate, even now my power wanes. My children believe me sealed away forever, but I will return one day. Until then, I want you people to follow someone else. It is the only way for you to survive.

The group simply nodded their heads. Suddenly, Baphomet fell to the ground with a hand over his chest. He was slowly growing transparent.

Baphomet: I will be counting on you, Avurick.

And with that he was gone.

Avurick woke up from the dream, he thought he had pushed those memories to the back of his head, but he was wrong. His life had indeed grown out because of Baphomet, but the other families had followed their lords orders to the letter. Everyone had forgotten about the purging, everyone except the Apostle. He was well hidden, he never dated to leave without casting a high level illusion spell on himself. The most interesting thing, Avurick found, was that despite being the strongest of the Apostles, he gave off very little energy for them to detect. Whether this was his lords work or not, it did not matter to Avurick. He had been waiting for the next Apostle to appear, but nothing had shown. And now that the Empire was at war with people from beyond the gate, the time was perfect to perform the resurrection ritual. But he needed the second Apostle. His lord was unable to be revived without him.

Avurick had managed to get a job working near the city of Rondel, the city of mages. It was where the last of the tablets were hidden. Although he had no contact with his lord, Avurick had contact with Palapon and Emroy, but he was reluctant to use it since the two were worse than Avurick's parents. He chuckled at the thought, but straightened himself up when someone entered the store. They had a number of things inside, most of which were herbs and spices as well as books and maps. The person who walked in was a regular, Avurick never cared much for the people around him but this person interested him greatly. She had purple eyes and mostly wore dark clothing, she lived in Rondel but preferred the outside areas since they were calmer and quieter than the rest of the city. Her name was Lucia Lavender. Avurick knew she was a student, he could see it in her eyes, she was indeed a beautiful girl. But Avurick lost all interest in that kind of thing well over four centuries ago.

The girl walked up to the counter holding a blue flower. She tapped Avurick on the shoulder, grabbing his attention from his book.

Avurick: ah, Lucia, wasn't expecting you today. What do you need blue collar for?

Lucia: a new test I'm doing. I want to see if I can change it from a poison to a healing herb.

Avurick looked the girl over lazily.

Azurick: Alright, that'll be twenty

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Azurick: Alright, that'll be twenty.

Lucia: T-Twenty?!

Azurick: yeah, those damn bandits near the border keep getting out supply caravans, and that damn empire won't do a thing to help. We have a severe shortage right now.

Lucia: I understand. I can get some friends to help with getting rid of them if you want.

Azurick: it's alright, I have someone who can do it for me.

Azurick smiled, he felt a presence he had not felt in years nearby. The presence of Baphomet. He was by no means nearby, but it meant he was strong enough to have a small amount of influence on the world now.

Azurick: how about this, it's on the house.

Lucia: no no no, I couldn't do that.

Azurick: listen Lucia, you help out quite a bit around here, from helping move boxes to helping clean up after hours. This is the least I can do.

Lucia: okay...

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