Please don't go.

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It couldnt be real. It sounded like him, looked like him, but it did not act like him. Adam would never do something like this. The crisp sound of laughing shook the cold, black, small and empty room. Barren of anything to call it a room at all. " I never did love you, it was all just a joke!" He yelled with a laugh. Jonah hugged his knees, tears pooling from his face. "I-I... I said I w-was sorr-y," he said between sobs. There it was. The regret and sorrow and shame bubbling all back up.  Adam crossed his arms, staring at Jonah with disgust. "YOU really think I would ever love you? Worthless and pathetic. " he said, turning his face away. And then came the echoing laughter from every corner. It felt like his heart was being ripped to shreds, leaving nothing but uselessness behind. Or as if he finally felt happy, even in the darkest place he was happiest with the man he loved. And then all that love had been stomped all over on into bits that could never be fixed.  Useless, useless, useless. Jonah bit down on his tongue, covering eye with a hand to avoid being seen as weak, to hide his tears. He failed, choking on his own tears.  "WORTHLESS. COULDN'T EVEN BE GOOD ENOUGH TO STAY WITH YOUR FRIEND. POINTLESS, FUCK OFF." screamed every corner. "S-shut... up. Shut up, SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He yelled.

And then he woke up with a start. Jonah had a very real nightmare. It felt so real, and he was so scared. But he looked over, and saw Adam holding him, fast asleep. He had a relaxed face on. A face someone wouldn't make if they slept with someone they hated. The confession- Adam meant it. He knew it, he just did. Jonah sighed. It must have been Adam's plan yesterday that spooked him into that dream.  'Glad I talked him out of it,' he thought. Adam hugged the other boy closer, pressing his cheek against Jonah's collarbone. His face went warm rose red, and he wrapped his arms around Adam's waist again. He couldn't imagine a world without Adam in it - that'd be a world not worth living in. Adam was affectionate,  caring, and overprotective of his boyfriend,  and it always gave Jonah a warm mushy feeling. It was almost addictive. Listening to Adam's slow, calming breathing as he slept helped Jonah calm down after the dream. Being here helped, too. It didn't matter if the world would end, or if they both would die. He'd be happy anyway. Adam shifted awake tiredly, and Jonah quickly acted asleep. Adam yawned, rubbing his eyes and freeing his arm from Jonah's back. "...I can tell you're awake, man." He said. Jonah groaned, sitting up beside Adam with a small smile. "Oh damn it. How'd you know?" He asked. Adam ruffled the other's hair affectionately. "You're asking how I knew it my boyfriend was sleeping or not?" He asked with a short smile. Jonah's face went a bit red. He had to get used to Adam calling him that. "..also, it's because your breathing is more relaxed when you're actually asleep.   What's wrong?" Asked Adam, with a concerned face. Oh. "I-it was a nightmare is all. I had a dream where you hated me, wanted me to kill myself, bla bla blah." Adam stared at him. "...I'd never do that, Jonah. We're best frien- well uh, best boyfriends. Even after the stunt you pulled, I wouldn't do that." He said. Jonah smiled, "I can settle for best boyfriends. Anyway, enough with the sappiness. Let's try to find a way outta here," Jonah spoke, getting up and stretching. Adam stood up slower, grimacing.

Adam already knew there wasn't an exit, other than the main entrance. But, you have to make sacrifices for those you love. But it was only a backup plan, not cemented.  Adam grabbed his empty backpack and they both stalked across the dusty ground. Adam kept low to the floor ad Jonah stayed behind him, cowardly. Fearfully. An Alternate walked by the doorway and Adam ducked behind some crates to avoid being seen. He held the piece of metal in one hand, nervously. "Hey, look! A window out of here?" Asked Jonah, pointing to a small square window. Adam gave a thumbs up."here, take this. In it is a wrench and stuff, you can give it back to me when we get outta here." He said unsurely. Jonah nodded,  staring at the window. Blue light filtered through it. He stalked towards it, trying to push the window open. An alternate's eyes darted around and Adam threw a shred of metal in the distance, making the alternate look away as Jonah undid the latch. He opened it with a long, rusty creak. It echoed across the room, making several once was hidden creatures turn to stare. Jonah froze with fear, shivering.  'No, no no no. I won't let that happen.' Thought Adam furiously. He grabbed the shred of metal and banged it against the other shred of metal he held in his right hand. The alternates stopped staring at where Jonah was, and now to Adam. Jonah finally realized.  And his face twisted into tragedy. Adam looked over his shoulder at him, and Jonah was starting to cry again.  "HEY! COME AFTER ME! IM NOT AFRAID!" He yelled. Jonah wasn't moving. He looked dead set on Adam. So, he had to do this the hard way. Adam rushed over and pushed Jonah outside,  where it was safe from the alternates. He heard Jonah scream, "ADAM, NO! DONT DO TH-" followed by someone slamming their fists from the outside of the house. Fortunately,  Adam had a gun. His heart? It felt ripped to shreds, especially hearing Jonah's frantic and hysterical wails outside "Adam, don't do this! Its not worth it, I LOVE YOU! ADAM, PLEASE! FUCKING LISTEN TO ME!" He shrieked. "PLEASE DON'T GO!" he sobbed. Adam loaded the gun, aiming it at an alternate advancing on him. Adam took in a deep breath, trying not to break down crying himself. 'It doesn't matter how much he cries or begs, I had to do this.' Adam fired the gun, hitting one alternate in the chest. Another in the throat, and another in the head. But he ran out of ammo, and was stuck with one more. So, he got into a fighting stance, and it leapt at him.

Jonah clawed at the outside walls, a sobbing, crying mess. His throat hurt from yelling, and he only grew more frantic by each passing second.  Then, he grew quiet. He heard gunfire, which made him hopeful.  But then he heard a very familiar scream. And then the thud of a gun. Jonah's breath stopped becoming calmer, and became short and sharp. "No... no. He can't be dead, please... don't be dead. I-I need you. I want you- fucking please." He begged. He couldn't see inside the window. And it was silent.  However, no alternate sounds. If it weren't for Adam's sacrifice,  Jonah would've been dead. "Aa-Adam?" He sniffled, trying to wipe away the endless streams of tears going down his face. Nothing. Nobody spoke through the window, but if an alternate was still alive,  it most likely would've been tormenting him now. But if Adam was alive, then he would've said so. Jonah shook his head, clutching his hair.  "No. No- no, no no no..." He whispered, shaking. "...he can't be, not after everything. He can't be dead. Please-" He begged. Jonah stood up on two shaking legs, nearly falling over. His jacket was literally soaked with tears. Jonah stared down at the backpack Adam had given him, and he clutched it in his arms and against his chest, hugging it. "...Adam, oh my god, holy shit." He choked. Jonah stumbled to get back up and into the car. He was in no condition to drive yet, and he felt as though he'd vomit from stress ( even though you've already done that, hoe )'What if I just drive into a ditch? At least I won't have to deal with this,' he thought, shaking. The door to the entrance of the house creaked open. Someone stumbled out, broken nose, shredded hoodie, claw marks on his arm and gun on his back. He had every single feature Adam had. It had to be Adam. Jonah made a cry of joy and ran over to him, hugging him. "A-Adam! I..iwassoworriedyouweregonnadie-" He rushed. Adam sighed, but made a shaky laugh. "Slow... down." He said, wobbling.  Adam looked beaten bad. "Oh, oh no... let's go to a medical clinic and fast," he said, drying off his tears. Adam blinked, blood rushed off of his head. "I didn't... mean to- scare you." He said as Jonah helped him into the side seat. Jonah sharply inhaled. "Adam, just rest until we get there. Don't fall asleep,  kay? Just stay awake." Adam inhaled, "okay." "Holy shit, you gave me the worst heart attack of my life. What'd you even do back there?" ... "That last one is still alive, but I ducked under it and locked it in the basement." Jonah sighed, "I'm just glad you're okay."

Save Yourself VOL1 ( Might private this again idk )Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα