A bad day

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Today was a very bad day, we were all outside and had to play in the pool, obviously I didn't. So I read a book, it began raining after a while, so we all went back inside. After eating dinner, I cleaned the dishes. After a bit, we all went to our assigned rooms and waited. Then they called us out.

"Everyone get out of your rooms!"

We all stood in front of our rooms in a line, listening to the instructor. Then we went to the library.

Finally! The library! It has been so long since I hadn't read a good new book!

Arrived in the library, I picked a thriller that seemed interesting to me.

I registered it, then sat on a chair and started reading it.

After a while, I got tired and closed the book, fixated my eyes at the cover of the book, then, everything went black I had lost all senses.
Was I dead? Were was I? It feels weirdly calming. Like I belong here. Everything is black, I'm floating, but touching at the floor? Weird. I looked around, but nothing, it was empty, darkness shrouded my thoughts. Is that what we call the abyss?

Suddently I came back.
Eye wide open, looking at the instructor talking.

I asked

Dorothy "What? are we leaving already?"

Instructor - "Do not interrupt me when I talk!"

Dorothy "Sorry!"

I was really confused, how did I came to stand, in line with the others. It couldn't had been an hour already!
Maybe I fell asleep? No, I wouldn't be standing if I did, I was sitting on the chair right there!

The instructor started walking us back to the dorms.

When I arrived in my room, I looked at myself in the mirror, confused of what had just happened in the library.
Somehow, I couldn't recognize myself in the mirror.

I said "who am I?"
Suddenly I felt an arm touching my shoulder, it was cold, I screamed.

Dorothy "AAAAAAHHH!!"

I could swear I saw my deceased sister in the mirror!

"What is happening!? Am I going insane? No, she's dead, she can't be-"

(Dead sister) "Yes it is me."

My eyes widened, as I looked at the mirror. I just heard her voice from my reflection in the mirror. Fixating my eyes on the mirror, I wondered if she was trying to communicate with me.

Dorothy "Polina? Is that you?

Mirror "Yes, it's me, did you missed me?"

Dorothy - "Of course I did big sister! You suddenly stopped writting me! O got worried! Did you.. Did you really died?"

Mirror "..."

Dorothy "I understand... Are you angry at me? For not being able to do it?"

Mirror "A little, but I forgive you. Next time we'll do it together. Don't worry Dot. I have to go now."


Mirror "See you next time."

Somehow I couldn't feel her presence anymore. Maybe she'll come back...

Note of the writter : Someone I considered close to me, someone I felt connected with, able to understand me, we were like twins and I was the younger sister of the two.
She died...

Dorothy of the abyssWhere stories live. Discover now