The middle finger fiasco- MahiRat

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Year 2012, Aus tour of India

India was playing a 4- match test series against Australia and the young, brash 24 year old Virat Kohli was the talk of the town. He was fresh, aggressive, had an 'in your face' attitude, of course aussie croud hated him, rather loved to hate him. He scored tons, he picked up fights for his teammates, he made statements.

Aussie crowd booing at him wasn't something new to him, he knew they hated him and he didn't have a problem with that. But on that particular day, when Virat was fielding on the boundary. he had had enough when they started cussing his mother and sister and as if on an impulse, showed middle finger to the crowd. Australian media which was already after virat, got one more chance to put him down. It was against ICC's code of conduct and virat could have possibly got banned for a match or two.

The Indian captain or if I phrase it better, Virat's elder brother was specially bothered with Virat's conduct. He didn't want Virat to get into any kind of trouble especially with his behaviour, it could have easily been avoided. When he saw that from behind the stumps, he made a mental note to talk to Virat after the match.

Upon reaching the hotel after the day's play got over, MS messaged Virat, "To my room Virat, in 10 minutes".

Virat feared none but the only one person who could manage to intimidate him was his Mahi bhai and a message like this from Mahi bhai meant only one thing, a lot of scolding and reprimanding is on the way. Virat made his way to Bhai's room, knocked the room before entering " Come in " MS said coming out of the washroom. "Mahi bhai you called" virat said shakily.

"Yeah come sit, I needed to have a chat with you"

"So what was that on field virat" , Mahi bhai said grabbing a chair and sat in front of him.

Virat knew what Mahi bhai was talking about but couldn't bring himself to say anything.

" WHAT WAS THAT ON THE FIELD ,VIRAAT " Mahi bhai again said giving a pause between every word and this scared virat.

"W- woh i just replied them. " Virat said in an inaudible whisper"

"What- I can't hear you "

"w-wh- reply- I was jj-just replying them", Virat said hurriedly, luckily MS could hear that.

" And why do you think you needed to reply them? " MS sighed.

"Mahi bhai they were cussing my family I just couldn't stay quiet" Virat for the first time in the entire conversation, spoke in a clear voice, tho a bit fast but clear.

"Hmm, I get it but that doesn't mean you will be going on showing middle fingers to them" MS said .

"But Mahi bhai" Virat started but got cut by MS " Cheeks understand this, this is not about them it's about YOU. You can get banned from the next match or even for the next 2 matches and I don't want you to put your career on hold just because you couldn't control yourself when someone of no importance said something to you. And what did they want, they wanted just this, you behaving like this and they got it"

Virat stood their with a blank face. Mahi bhai was right, he shouldnt have done that, but what else could have he done . "May be just ignore them, they are anyways not important, are they? " His inner voice spoke.

"I guess it's dinner time. Come Virat" Mahi bhai said breaking his thoughts.

"Bhai I'll have it later " Virat said not wanting to face Mahi bhai anymore.

"No. You're coming down in 5 minutes" MS said sternly and virat had to oblige.

In the night, Virat thought about the incident. He had got scolded by everybody, his seniors in the team, Mahi bhai and even his family because it was already a national news in India. And upon giving it a thought for about 2 hours, Virat came to a decision. He decided to be a good, nice boy from the next day onwards.

Everybody saw a different Virat on the field next day. He wasn't shouting, he wasn't cussing and he wasn't even jumping on the fall of a wicket. He would just smile and clap and congratulate the bowler in a graceful manner. Sometimes he would just shout but stop himself the next second. And someone from behind the scenes could see something was up with this kid and he probably knew what it was.

Virat on the other hand, was happy with himself, though he struggled a bit but finally he managed a day on the field like a good boy. He switched on his phone and again saw a message from Mahi bhai. "Come to my room Virat, you have 10 minutes" Virat got startled, he tried to remember but he could not remember anything that might have made Mahi bhai to call him again to scold him. "He must have called to praise me then" Virat finally reached to a conclusion.

Virat in his usual chirpy mood made his way towards Mahi bhai's room and directly jumped on his bed. "Mahi bhai you called me", he said with a goofy grin.

"Yes, I didn't see you in the match. Where were you? " MS said in a plain voice.

"He was supposed to praise me and say I presented myself very well in the match but he is saying he didn't see me " Virat thought as he looked at Mahi bhai weirdly.

"But Mahi bhai I was there in the match only, how could you not see me? " Virat said throwing tantrums.

"Yes, but that wasn't the Virat Kohli I know, my kiddo, who is so chirpy that he uplifts the energy of the whole team. The one that was on the field today wasn't you" Mahi bhai said in all seriousness.

"But Mahi bhai wasn't he better? " Virat said with all curiosity.

"No. I want my kiddo back tomorrow. He is the best" Mahi bhai said pulling Virat's cheeks.

"But you are the worst, see my cheeks are paining " Virat said whining. "Say that again" MS said pulling them a bit more. "I meant my Mahi bhai is the best, leave them" MS left his cheeks taking him in a hug.

"Cheeks you know I'm not asking you to change yourself. You are best the way you are. What I'm saying is, you need to understand where to stop. You are aggressive, that's your nature and there is no point leaving it, okay, but you can't go against the game's code of conduct.I scolded you about yesterday's incident because not only it was morally wrong but also harmful for your career. You get that " MS said still taking virat in the hug.

"Yes mahi bhai, I'm sorry, I'll behave" Virat said with utmost sincerity.

"Mahi bhai, will I really get banned " Virat asked like an innocent kid.

"Not if you plead the match refree and make him believe that you won't do that sort of thing again " MS said jokingly.

"Cheeku, now should we go for the dinner? "MS said after checking the time. "No, I don't want to get up " Virat said whining.

" I said get up, NOW" Mahi bhai said sternly and virat instantly got up. "God Mahi bhai why are you so scary" Virat said or rather whispered.

And the entire team could see the whiny virat back coming to the table clinging to Mahi bhai.

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