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Chapter 29

Ming Chong looked at Wang Heng with red eyes. His hands were clenched so tightly they were white. He suppressed his feelings with extreme effort and said through clenched teeth, “He has never told me about this.”

Wang Heng turned his head to look at Ye Ming. His eyes were filled with deep emotions and he said lowly, “That’s probably because he wanted to leave me the last bit of dignity..”

Ye Ming had previously been completely quiet. At this time he said lightly, “You were only momentarily impulsive, in the end you didn’t really do anything to me. And also…. this isn’t the kind of matter to go around telling people about.”

The admittance of what happened in this sentence made Ming Chong’s rationality break! He stood up and marched towards Wang Heng. At this moment his anger made him see red and he wanted to kill this person! He lifted his fist and was about to punch him!

Wang Heng knew that by telling him this today, Ming Chong wouldn’t be able to let him off lightly. He kept still and waited for Ming Chong’s blow. This was the same time of helplessness that Ming Chong once experienced ba… he was the one at fault, it didn’t make sense to let Ye Ming shoulder the blame.

He laughed mockingly to himself and didn’t intend on fighting back.

But just as the blow was about to land on Wang Heng’s face, Ye Ming suddenly grabbed Ming Chong’s hand and said to him coldly. “Stop it.”

Ye Ming didn’t use a lot of force and Ming Chong should have been able to throw him off but for some reason he didn’t do this… instead he slowly turned his head and said with a frozen face, hoarse voice and eyes filled with pain, “He did something so horrible to you and you still want to protect him?”

Ye Ming’s expression was peaceful. He smiled gently. “Five years have already passed and I have already let it go. What’s the point of settling the score now. Don’t forget, right now we don’t have any relationship anymore.”

Ming Chong’s face went white.

Ye Ming looked at him coldly and said, “And also the things you are doing now are ten times worse than him. What right do you have to judge him?”

These light words were like a sharp arrow stabbing straight into Ming Chong’s heart. Just then had received so much information and now his heart was in a huge chaos, and these words were like the last straw that broke the camel’s back! He could barely stand straight!

So from the beginning to the end, he had only misunderstood Ye Ming?

How could this be real? But what reason did Wang Heng have to lie to him? Could he be just trying to help free Ye Ming and made it up?

Ming Chong’s heart was in chaos and momentarily he couldn’t think straight. He wanted to believe Wang Heng’s words but he also felt it was too ridiculous. If he believed it then it meant that everything he had held onto these few years were completely turned upside down.

If in the beginning it had all just been a misunderstanding, then what was all his hate and pain these years for? Wouldn’t it all be a joke?

Mng Chong’s expression was fragile. Suddenly he didn’t know what to say. In the end he could only murmur, “Why didn’t you tell me…..”

Ye Ming saw the state he was in and lightly sighed. “Five years have passed and you’re still so impulsive… if I told you back then, what would you have done?”

Ming Chong clenched his fist again. Of course he would have killed that guy!

Ye Ming’s eyes showed that’s just what he expected. He said, “You would go looking for trouble with him. But back then you wouldn’t have been able to do anything to him… so that’s why I thought it was better not to tell you. I thought I could handle it on my own and I didn’t want event to create distance between us and affect our relationship. But it seems I was wrong. Hiding it only made the misunderstanding worse.”

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