Standing back up, Haigh swings his right foot back and kicks me right in my stomach. "Stupid girl."

I clutch my stomach, screaming. His kick had sent me moving a few inches, just enough to make my broken leg move. I twist my head to scream into the ground. My yells echo throughout the small room.

If I'm about to die, wouldn't Lydia get some kind of feeling? Wouldn't she get some kind of feeling of where I might be? What if they aren't looking for? What if they don't care?

"Lydia." I whisper. I don't know how the whole banshee thing works, but maybe she'll find me. Maybe she'll hear me.

Haigh cocks the gun and aims it down on me. "See, the Benefactor won't give me the money unless he gets visual confirmation that you are really dead, so that's what I'm going to give him."

I hold my fist to my mouth, sobbing. "P-Please. Don't do t-this."

"Don't worry. It'll be over quickly. I have a good aim."

I squeeze my eyes shut. "Please! P-Please, d-d-don't."

The gun fires above me, almost drowning out the noise of growling. I scream in pure agony as the bullet rips through my chest. Blood immediately begins to pour out of my chest and on the floor around me. My hands press to my chest to stop the bleeding, but my hands only turn red instead.

My mind is almost too foggy to notice the fighting happening all around me. Haigh is no longer standing by me. He was thrown against the opposite wall by someone else. Our screams mix together, except mine are ten times louder.

I grab at my chest, crying. This is the end.

"Derek, stop!"

My head snaps up at the voice and name. Scott?

Someone falls to the ground beside me. "Oh, my God. A-Arden?" There hands press down on the bullet wound, covering mine with theirs. Blinking through my tears, I see a blurry Lydia above me. Her face is tear streaked. "Scott, she's still bleeding!"

Two arms pick me up enough to hold me against their chest. My head rolls around on their arm until they position my head on their chest. Derek's face appears above mine, anger and worry sketched out on his face. "Arden? It's okay. It's okay."

A certain kind of numbness begins to spread throughout my body. The pain is still evident, but it's like my body is becoming used to it. A hand grasps one of mine and I feel some pain be drawn out of me. With a tiny bit of the pain taken away, I find it a little bit easier to focus on the people around me. Derek is holding me in his arms. Lydia and Stiles have their hands pressed to my wound, their hands covered in my blood. Scott is trying to take more pain away from me. And, in the far corner, Haigh is slumped against the wall, bleeding and unconscious.

"I-I can't take away anymore pain." Scott tries over and over again.

Lydia hangs her head over my body, tears sliding down her cheeks and splattering on my body. "Isn't there something we can do?"

Scott's head snaps towards Derek. "Derek-?"

My eyelids become heavy. The pain is taking over my body. If I don't die from all of this pain, I'll die from blood loss. Either way, it's only a matter of minutes before I shut my eyes and don't wake up again.

"At l-least, I'm s-surrounded by the o-ones I l-love." I choke out. My breath seems harder to catch, as if it is getting stuck in my throat and not reaching my lungs.

Stiles shakes his head from side to side. "No, No, you're not leaving us, Arden. Y-You can't-"

Derek glances from me to Scott multiple times. "Scott, bite her."

"What? No!"

Everyone turns to the two.

"Do you want to be the one to tell her dad and Kira that Arden died and you didn't take the chance to save her?!" Derek holds me tighter against his chest. From this angle, I can see his eyes are watery. "Are you ready to live the rest of your life knowing that you could have saved Arden? There's still time! You can save her!"

Scott stares down at me. "I can't."

"Scott, do it!" Lydia barks. "Arden wouldn't want to die. We all know that. Save. Her."

Scott picks up my hand in his. "Arden?"

Before I can answer him, my body gives in to all of the pain. My eyes shut and I exhale one last time. All of the voices around me fade away along with the pain. There's just peace.

I feel nothing.


You could say I've been planning this chapter for a while. I always like to throw curveballs at you guys. To never have you guys to be prepared with what I write next. I like to think I do a pretty good damn job at that.

Who's is surprised by this chapter?

I feel like Arden hit her low point in this chapter. She couldn't even defend herself. Haigh really took a beating to her in more ways then one. I never liked Haigh and this chapter made me hate him more.

Question: What did you think of this chapter?

So, yeah!

Becoming The Vixen (Teen Wolf)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ