[Just a sneak peak:(]

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3rd person POV:

Everyone stared at the girl/boy as they looked at everyone in confusion and annoyance

"Hm, is there something on my face?" They spat out

"Heh, it's nothing. I'm sure your silence means you are accepting defeat, yes?" Celeste asked

"Ha! Defeat? As if I'd lose to some stupid argument, I'm not done yet!"

"After all, why would I accept some lousy-ass defeat when I'm not even the mastermind?" Y/n- no, Renme said grinning

"Ofcourse! The antagonist never admits defeat immediately! After all, they are the epic boss that we will have to battle!-"

"Oh will you shut up?!" Oop- Seems like Celeste snapped at Hifumi

Well. She seems to have realized that quickly

"A-ah, pardon my profanities."

Thought Renme is in control now, it will still be difficult considering the author isn't good with drama!

"Which explains why she haven't been updating for technically 2 months" Renme said off-camera as Y/n laughs

"H-hey! Can you guys stop breaking the fourth wall?!" Koyeetchi said offended at the truth

"Well, to be fair, this is their first time writing a story, give them a break" Makoto butted in as Kyoko agreed

"shut uP-"



Hhhhhh hi guys- as you can tell from what Renme said, yes, truly not good with drama honestly.

Well, not specifically drama but, like y'know, some stuff so they can have a rebuttal or-

*malfunctions due to the lack of social skills*

Yeah- something like that.

Anyways, Have y'all heard the newest song Turn it Down by 0R30? It's amazing

Welp that's all, bye!
March 18, 2022



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