Stargazing (James/Lars)

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Warning: sexual references, language, slight angst

Setting: (place:rural area) (timeline:early 90's)

A/n: this one shot, it's not directly supposed to romantic, you guys can decide whether the pairing's relationship in this story is romantic or platonic. Oh and, I created a few OCs in this story.(a girl named Gia will be mentioned in this story, but I want everyone to know, that she is just a fictional character)



"Sex, drugs,rock n roll" That phrase pretty much summarized other people's dream lives.

But believe me, it's really not that easy, it's messes you up, it messes your life up. Well honestly, I think it depends. Some people were born for it, and some weren't.

Despite doing what he loved, despite making a lot of money and making new friends, James Hetfield knew...

He definitely wasn't meant for "it"

And it was definitely, was very different from how he pictured "The Rockstar Lifestyle" as a kid.

He'll make friends, lose some of em, snort coke, perform, attend interviews,fuck groupies then forget their names the next day.

Jesus, it just keeps on repeating itself. Its getting sickening really.

"Id be lucky if I got at least 15 minutes of some alone time" He'd constantly say to himself.

But luckily, thank the gods, thank the universe, thank his entire existence....

The band finally got a 3 day break.

Which meant...

No band rehearsals, no gigs, no photoshoots...

For 3 whole days?

Jesus, even the "Bad Boys of Metallica"couldn't even believe it themselves.

3 days may seem short to others, but oh boy, hearing the phrase:

"ok, let's take a 3 day break"

It was literally music to the band's ears.

Not a drug in the world can make James feel this good.

And so, the band went on their separate ways...

Kirk went to visit his family, Cliff was gonna take his girlfriend out on a vacation.

Lars- well no one knew what Lars was gonna do, but nobody cared, cause they were just tired at this point.

James didn't even think of his plans, all he wanted was a goddamn break.

Then, 3 hours later...

"What am I gonna do?Go out to see a movie? No people are gonna notice me"

He said to himself, Christ, the moment he got the break that he wanted for months...

He was no longer satisfied with it

He was bored, he didn't know what to do, he did everything he can to brush off the fatigue he's feeling.

He thought about paying his family a visit, but he obviously can't just barge in without announcing his visit, so he decided to abandon the idea.

Girls? He recently just got divorced, he fucked groupies over and over again. So he was tired of girls at the moment.

So, as predicted, he crossed that out from his "list"

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