Chapter 46: It's How Relationships Work

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Chapter 46: It's How Relationships Work

"You four are the cutest couples I've seen in a long time," the waiter gushed, passing out the plates to the table. "How long have you been together?"

The four teens glanced at each other, embarrassed and a little distressed.

"Ummm, none of us are together," Alan said. Tina popped a breadstick in her mouth, looking out the window at the rainy Seattle street, channeling her inner Chris and ignoring the whole situation.

"Oh? No? Sorry!" The older man covered his face for a second with his hands. "Excuse me." And scuttled back to the kitchen, mortified.  Knowing he'd just kissed his tip goodbye.

Jack and Ben exchanged shrugs, and Alan started eating. "Well, that was weird."

The four of them were out in Seattle for the evening. Just the four of them. All because of the career fair event sponsored by the Seattle Public Library.


Alan: I'll drive. I bet we can all squeeze, three in the front, three in the back.

Tina: We can meet the doofus duo for dinner first!

Sean: Sorry.

Sam: Can't

Sean: We have a commitment vlogging with another channel that night.

Sam: Maybe we could...

Sean: No, we can't, Sam.

Sam: Sorry Tina. I promise to take you out another time.

Tina: I didn't want to have dinner with you anyway. Asshole.

Sam: Tina, please, I'm sorry!

Alan: Anywaaaay, the rest of us will have fun! There's supposed to be some great booths!  Some hospitals and Microsoft and...

Chris: I'm not going to any bullshit career fair.  It's going to suck.  

Ben: No? Oh. Ummmmm.

Chris: You want to go to that?

Ben: Well, it's required.

Chris: Oh

Brian: I'm not going either, Chris! Misty says I don't have to because I'm bat shit crazy and Seattle at night in a public place with tons of strangers is a recipe for disaster. So you and I can stay home together!

Ben: Oh.

Chris: Ummm...

Brian: What? You don't want to hang out with me?

Chris: What about Jack?

Jack: I have to go. I promised Faye and Mark that I'd keep my grades up. I don't want to be a total loser.

Ben: Don't say that.

Brian: You're not a loser! You're a sexy beast!

Jack: Thanks Brian, but I want to graduate high school. And get a job. I can't get paid to be a sexy beast.

Brian: Well, you could if you were a porn star. But I don't want you to have sex with other people. You're MY tarantula.

Jack: Yeah, so porn stars out. Too bad cause it pays a lot, I think.

Sean: Is there a career fair booth for porn stars, Alan?

Alan: No.

Tina: So then I guess it's Ben and Jack, me and Alan. We can still have dinner out first. Even if it's just us.

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