"Yes, understood." He meant it.

Batman joined you. He held out a pair of binoculars to Robin. "Think before you act."

Robin looked into the binocs. "Surveillance cameras."

"Somebody is watching." The Bat mused.

"Very well." Robin turned to Batman. "You lead."

Batman almost smiled. He would have to remind himself to praise you for keeping Robin so level headed.

Batman led you through a small tunnel, which definitely tested your patience, but you found yourselves in a small closet. Batman pressed his eye against the small crack in the door, and watched as two guards made their rounds.

"How did you know this was here?" Robin asked, closing the hatch as you finally wiggled out, still mad you had been the last one to both enter and exit the tunnel.

"I make it my business to know." Batman responded.

"We can jump them." Robin said, excitement in his voice.

Batman was clearly about to correct Robin, yet he looked to you, giving you a look that said "you do it."

"No," you finally said. "We don't know how many guards there are. It would be foolish to launch an attack in territory we can't use to our advantage. We hide in the darkness Robin. We don't murder in the light. Our main goal is to find Langstrom, and quietly."

You expected an argument or at least a grumble, but Robin simply nodded. He wasn't happy that you were correcting him, but he was willing to be corrected.

Batman gave you a simple nod of approval, and opened to the door, signaling for both you and Robin to exit. You all raced across the hallway, careful not to alert the ninjas.

"Down there." Batman said, hovering over some railing of a stair case.

He grabbed Robin, and you turned to Robin, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You were to busy to look at his expressions as Robin hesitatingly wrapped his arm around your waist, securing you to his body.

You all slid down the center of the winding stairwell, and hit the floor with a gentle thump. You immediately released Robin and peaked through a vent. You reached out, removing it, before motioning for both Batman and Robin to follow you. You began to crawl down the compact space, at least glad you weren't the caboose this time.

You found where they kept Langstrom, and entered the room silently.

"Dr. Langstrom." Batman greeted. Langstrom jumped up.

"You?" He asked.

"You have to come with us." Batman ordered.

"No. No, no..." Langstrom stammered, backing up. "I-I-I can't." In his haste, Langstrom hit whatever he had been working on, effectively sending it to the ground. "Deathstroke has my family." He finally confessed.

You took that as your cue. Batman wasn't a good person at comforting.

"Dr. Langstrom," you began, stepping forward. "I'm Black Bird. I need you to cooperate. It'll be best for all of us, including your family. How about you tell me why you're so worried about your family?"

"He says he'll kill them if I don't do what he wants." Langstrom whimpered.

"It's a classic hostage situation. Nothing we haven't seen before." You assured him. "Please, tell me what you're working on."

"I...I can't!"

"Okay. Where is Deathstroke?" You asked again.

"I don't know! Please, you have to leave!"

𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝗱 • Damian Wayne x Female Insert/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now