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On 3/6/22, I edited big time on Voices In My Head on a03. Okay, maybe not that f*cking big but I combined chp 1 & 2, and added a few paragraphs to the end of chp 3 (which in now chp 2).

I may or may not have missed my update day for Voices In My Head... Even those I am attempting to post biweekly...

I have started some new drafts of oneshots/fics but I think it'll be a long time until I actually work on them. I know I probably shouldn't work on multiple things at once but if I don't do things at the moment, then I'll forget about them and they will never be done. Ever. It'll literally take years for me to continue it after I stop doing it obsessively.

Uh, what else? Oh, okay. Important. Ding, ding, ding. So I will update this on the 16th of every month and the last day of every month. I've realized that I have a calendar and sh*t would probably be better if I had a schedule. Of course, that just means I have to meet my stupid deadlines (which rarely happens).

Oh, update for music (yay!). I uploaded a piano solo called In The Thrones of Something to musescore. I can't remember if it's on YouTube tho...

Anyway, good night/day and peace out bitches. 🖖🏼

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