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Yes, I realize I missed the day. Oops?


On February 18th, I wrote a short one-shot for destiel. My god, my definition of short is way different than what it was a year ago. I used to think a thousand words was a lot but now I'm all "only a thousand?" So... is very smol, only 2,357 words. I'm also going to cross post it on Ao3 so yEaH. It was posted on... the 20th of this month, I believe.

I also- I am on a roll, b*tches -posted another one-shot on the 24th of February. It's new, and not beta-read, and on ao3 it is tagged "no beta we go to super hell like cas" so if there are any mistakes, now you know.


Prompts? Any particular thing I should work on? What days do you think I should update on? Should I aim for updating the log on the same days and not randomly? Wouldn't it be nice if I got my sh*t together and updated? Yeah...


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