13 | It's your party (and I cry if I want to)

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Taehyun get used to the feeling of not being special long time ago. How could he not? It's like every step he takes the universe reminds him that he's never the first choice, this belief having roots deep inside his heart. The seed of this feeling sown long time ago, since as a second child he was no stranger to constant comparisation to his older sister. It wasn't too intense, he didn't cruble under the pressure of his parents expectations, but enought to get him down from time to time. 

As times goes by and Taehyun grown he realised that he's someone constantly stuck in between. He wasn't really the ousider or the one to hold himself in seclusion, but he wasn't the instant eye catcher either. Approachable, but not friendly enough too attract people into befriending him. Good looking, but fading to background among his struckingly handsome band members. Quite tall, but still not enough to tower others and stand out. 

He's just... always there. Noticed, but bit neglected. Always invited, but never being the main character. 

But the feeling hits him twice as hard today, as he tries to make his way through overcrowded hallway of 4th floor. Kai is lost gone, being attached to the hip with Soobin, just like he always is since they met for memorable first campus tour. Magz's probably with them, she and Soobin being like old married couple anyway. And about Christine and Jay... the sudden thought if they're really friends apperars in Taehyun's mind. Yeah, they hang out quite often, but it's never apart from their little group. And now, as he is squizzed between unfamiliar people in the hallway, he can't really recall having one on one conversation with this two. 

Suddenly he's pushed to the side by someone, his back hitting the wall and he decides to wait out the commotion here, at least for a while. Honestly, he really regrets leaving his room in the first place, wrapping his cardigan tighter around himself like a physical barrier now. 

It's Beomgyu birthday today. 

And Taehyun know it would be foolish of him to hope that he's something more that familiar face and nice company among the sea of people that the older consider friends. That Beomgyu is like the finest magican when it comes down to being friends - always having compliment or bold-faced flattery up his sleeve and pulling grand gestures out of his hat. 

But Taehyun still couldn't ease his throbbing way to loud heart, while sitting in his roome later, even the noisy music coming from the hallway being unable to drown it out. He blamed the guilt getting the best of him and the need to be equal with older - after all Beomgyu throws him one of the best birthday party he has yet. Full of comftable laughs, cosiness and warmth of the caffee, heartwarming comfort food and careless chats - everything Taehyun yearn for so long. 

And now the realisation of how diffrent Beomgyu is built hits him harder than that shove against the wall from before. It seems that not only the whole floor was celebrating this birthday, the crowd being so suffocating, half of the dorm population must be squizzed in this not so wide corridor.

"Aside, step aside, the couch is coming"

"TECHNOCOUCH ON THE WAAAAAY!" Chaotic shouting somehow can be heard above all the music and Taehyun clings to the wall even tighter as couch on the wheels makes it's way down the hallway.

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