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Friday, 7:38 pm
HueningKai's Home


ten years ago...
Rufous Creek Elementary

It's a typical morning for the elementary students inside the big long walls of Rufous Creek. As the sun shone brightly over the children, teachers can be seen chasing after little ones to ensure their safety.

"Yuna do you want to join our role play?"The little girl approached the latter.

For free time there's no doubt you'll see children playing different kind of games.

There's people playing soccer, or in the sand pit, some are caught up watching a movie in the library.., or simply just doing whatever they want.

"Okay what roleplay are we going to play"Yuna puts down the shovel in the sand pit.

Roleplaying is widely popular between youngsters, they get to be whatever they want. It's a great game to express their wild imaginations into reality.

Once you grown out of this phase in life, you'll never think of our world the same way seven year olds do.

"We're pretending to have a family trip abroad, Julia and Steve from Mrs.Oh's third grade class agreed into playing the grandpa and gramma we just need a mom and dad"The girl replied.

"Okay then! I'll be the mom"Yuna giggled as the girl smiled in rejoice.

The little girl held on her hand and pulled Yuna to the group of kids joining their roleplay. Steve and Julia are the oldest in the bunch considering they're already third graders who're playing with kids a year lower.

"You old old man! Stop walking like you carry a shell on your back"Julia said mimicking an old lady's voice.

She hits Steve's back with a made up cain out of tree twigs pretending to be a gramma. The boy has his back slumped into a hutch trying to walk slower than he usually does to portray the grandpa.

"My love dear o dear my back is too fragile! Stop hitting me! Yowch"Steve complained.

"Don't call me My Love we aren't married!"

"You dumb dumb, we're married in this roleplay you silly goose come here and give your hubby a smooch on the cheeks"Steve tapped on his cheek as Julia's face can be seen twisting in disgust.

"EWWWWW COOTIES"She pushed him away disgusted with his roleplaying.

"Everyone!! Places let's really begin the roleplay now!"The little girl who asked Yuna to join them play clapped her hands telling everyone to be serious.

"Wait wait wait! We can't start the roleplay yet there's no dad in the team!"A boy pointed out to the others.

"Well.. we can just pretend the dad is busy"

"Awh that's no fun! Just find a dad for the roleplay pleaaaaaaase?"He begged as the rest of the crew clasped their hands together begging.

"Alright alright let me see..."The little girl scratched her head and gawked at the children playing in the playground.

Her eyes then landed to this boy who looks foreign. His long hair covered his eyes but it didn't seem to bother him from playing with his gameboy. A popular handheld game console developed by Nintendo.

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