It was pretty late when I returned home and when I did, Robin was there as well. He stared at me funnily, but didn't mutter a word. I'd expected him to at least explain what had happened at Archie's, but apparently he had too much pride.

"Did you find some food for dinner? We still have some leftovers from.."

"I ordered pizza," Robin interrupted me. "Saw your plate in the dishwasher, so I assumed you'd already eaten."

I nodded and sat down at the table, across Robin. I observed him and I could tell he wasn't content, but I didn't know why. Coming up with a reason was much harder now that my body still tingled from Emma's soft touches.

"After what happened today, I take it you're not going back to therapy?"

Robin was reading a newspaper and didn't bother looking at me. "Nope," he muttered.

"Are you angry with me?" I asked. "I really thought this would be good for us."

"Hmm," was all Robin said. He was clearly upset, but I didn't know the reason why. As far as he was concerned, I hadn't done anything wrong, right? I'd merely tried to improve our marriage by going to a therapist. He couldn't be that mad about that.

"How was your day?" I tried, but I already knew a conversation wasn't happening.

"Do you mind? I'm reading," Robin replied with a stern voice and I got up from my chair. There was no use in spending my time like this if I didn't enjoy it.

"There's money missing," Robin said, once I'd almost reached the bedroom. I turned around and raised an eyebrow. I hadn't noticed anything and usually I was more up to date with our financial situation than Robin.

"What? Since when?"

"The little jewelery box where we keep our cash. Eight hundred dollars are missing," Robin said and I sighed in relief. I hadn't told Robin that was the money I'd used on dinner and a gift for Emma's birthday, but he couldn't be truly upset about that, because that was my money in the box. Frankly, I was surprised he'd even looked in it.

"Yes, I spent it. Since when are you snooping around my stuff?" I asked and folded my arms. He better came up with a good explanation, because who knew where else he'd looked. I wasn't ready for the conversation we'd have once he found out the drawer in my nightstand was filled with sex toys. They were unopened, though.

"I needed some cash for the pizza delivery and I couldn't find my wallet," he said, but I couldn't quite tell whether it was the truth or a lie. It was clear he'd ordered a pizza, though. "What did you spend it on?"

He was never curious as to how I spent my money and he had no reason to be. It was my money. "Bought Emma a birthday gift, remember? That necklace."

"For eight hundred dollars?"

"I wanted it to be of good quality," I said with a shrug. "And this is dinner included."

"Oh," Robin said and he smiled faintly. I walked towards him and kissed him gently on the lips. His smile grew somewhat bigger and I cupped his cheek.

"You're a good person, Robin," I said. "I'll put some cash back in the box again. Don't worry."

He seemed more comfortable and though I hadn't lied, I was pleased that this conversation was over. "You smell different," Robin noticed and I tried to stay as casual as possible.

"I've got a new perfume, do you like it?"

"No," he replied, blankly. I figured I still smelled like Emma, after having laid between her sheets, in her bed, with her in my arms. I smiled apologetically and turned around, going to the bedroom for real this time.

Robin joined not long after and sat down next to me on the bed. He peeked at the book that was open on my lap and glanced at me. "What do you think of Ruby and Peter's open relationship?"

I closed my book and looked in utter confusion at my husband. This question came out of the blue and I couldn't imagine him being genuinely curious as to what my answer was.

"Why? Are you interested?"

"No, absolutely not. I just wanted to know if you'd understand people who slept with others outside their own marriage," Robin said. He looked at me in an odd way and merely raised an eyebrow.

"That depends," I said and Robin cocked his head. "Cheating is bad, but Ruby and Peter have a well functioning relationship with proper communication and lots of freedom. I can understand people having a deep and meaningful emotional bond and relationship, but seeking the physical touch somewhere else. That doesn't necessarily mean their relationship doesn't mean anything to them."

Robin nodded very slowly and brought his lips to mine. He pecked them gently and inhaled deeply, probably inhaling the still lingering Emma-scent. "Luckily I don't have to share you with anyone."

I looked at him, still a little confused that he was the one initiate such a conversation. He seemed to be observing me and for a split second I wondered if he knew. But then again, how would he? Emma and I had been very careful from the beginning, we never spoke about it, we only slept together when we were certain no one was around and we'd always been very discreet.

However, he'd been acting odd all day. Why had he run out of that office? Was it only because I'd told Archie I disliked our sex or was it more than that?

"That is very lucky, indeed," I replied.

Thin WallsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora