Chapter The Ninth

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Tenochtitlan, 1521 ACE

The city was on fire, the Aztecs could no longer hold back the conquistadors, and panic was everywhere.

Kaia rushed through the city, a commandeered Spanish rifle in one hand, trying to get the civilians to some semblance of safety. Of all the years of following the Eternals, trying to help the humans left in their wake, this was certainly the most chaotic scene she'd come across.

The whole of the Spanish army had come to loot and pillage the capital of the Aztec empire, she had seen at least eight Deviants, and almost any order that had existed had gone out the window as soon as the first shot was fired.

Kaia paused in the chaos, looking around as one group of Spaniards worked to topple a statue. Rushing forward, she dragged a young girl out of the way of its fall, shouting at her to get to safety.

Makkari zipped past, back out of the city, and toward the forest. Kaia looked around for only a moment before following, ditching the rifle as she went.

Using an odd assortment of powers, she caught up to Makkari, who was joining Thena in returning to the thinkers. Kaia illusioned herself into nothing as Ajak asked, "Where are the others?"

"We had to split up." Makkari signed.

Thena nodded, "There were more Deviants than you said."

Phastos sighed, "Well I'm sure that was a lot of fun for you."

Thena smiled smugly, "It was."

Phastos ignored her, looking down at the device in his hands, "Well, once the others kill the last deviants, it seems we will have eradicated all of the deviants from this planet."

The last of the deviants? That was certainly news to Kaia.

A new burst of gunshots rang through the forest, followed by screams; dragging the eternals attention away from the deviants. Druig turned, a pained look on his face as Spaniards chased Aztecs through the forest. His eyes began to glow again, ready to stop it all when Ajak intervened, "Don't. We don't interfere with their wars."

He turned to look at her, "this isn't war, this is genocide. Their weapons have become too deadly... Maybe helping them advance wasn't such a great idea, Phastos."

Druig was tired of having to watch their killing, of having to feel their pain. It seemed every time conflict started he grew closer and closer to his breaking point.

"Technology is a part of their evolutionary process, Druig. It's not like I can just take it back now."

"No, you can't. But I can!"

Makkari frowned, looking at Druig, "Stay strong. What would Kaia have wanted?"

Something behind Thenas eyes seemed to spark, and visions danced through her view, "It's too late. They're all going to die..."

Sersi turned to her, "Thena?"

"Are you okay?"

The spear grew in her hand, and Sersis eyes went wide, "Thena?"

Before Thena could fully lunge at Sersi, Makarri was running through, knocking her out of the way. Thena whirled on Phastos next, sending him flying to the ground, Sprite and Druig hurrying to his side.

"Thena! What are you doing?"

She spun her spear in a wide arc, looking for her next target when Makkari slammed into her, trying to drag her to the ground. Thena would have none of it, twisting around to dig her blade into Makkaris side, sending her to the ground. Thena stood properly, turning suddenly and thrusting her blade behind her.

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