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The sound of Avas alarm echoes her small apartment, a small groan escaping her lips. Forcing herself out of bed, she makes her way to her bathroom. Turning on the shower, she carefully slips off her clothes and steps inside.

Carefully drying her hair with her towel, getting changed into a cute pink sweater and white skater skirt. Ava applies her natural makeup, putting on her necklace and earrings. A smile forms on her face as she stares at her reflection. She began thinking about her night with Peter, how they had kissed. She didn't know where they stood now, but she was the happiest she had felt in a long, long time.

Making her way out of her bedroom she grabs her backpack and an apple to eat on the way to school. Exiting her apartment, she locks the door, placing her key under her mat as usual before making her across the hall to Peters apartment.

Softly knocking on Peter's door, she was too focused on seeing the boy to feel the presence of eyes watching her from the end of the hallway by the fire escape. Watching as the door swings open, Avas eyes light up "hey" she spoke softly, a smile instantly forming on her face.

A smile to match hers forms on peters face "hi" he spoke as he admired her. Peter thought she looked beautiful, he was in an extremely good mood ever since the two kissed. He too has no idea where they stood now, he was just happy his feelings for Ava weren't hidden anymore. "Ready to go?" Ava spoke up, pulling him from his thoughts. Nodding he grabs his backpack and closes the door to his apartment. Instantly the hairs on the back of his neck and on his arms stood, something didn't feel right. Quickly glancing around the hallway, Peter didn't see anything suspicious, so why were his senses going off.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she watched the boy "everything okay?" She laughs, softly taking his hand in hers "you look tense."

Glancing down at their hands, his smile returned to his face "everything's great." He gently squeezed her hand as they began to walk to school.

Arriving at the school, her eyebrows raised "Peter are you sure everything's okay? You're acting weird." Ava questions again. Peter had been glancing behind them the whole way to school, even on the train his eyes were everywhere but on her.

Humming in response, his eyes meet hers "I promise, everything is okay." He shoots her a kind, comforting smile. Earning a nod from Ava.

Softly squeezing his hand, she kept her eyes on him "see you at lunch?" She offers with a smile.

Nervously, Peter leans in, softly planting a kiss on her cheek "see you at lunch." He repeats, gently letting go off her hand and walking off to meet Ned.

Her cheeks growing pink, biting her lip softly as she smiled wide. Ava began to walk in the opposite direction towards her locker. Her mind focused on Peter, carefully pushing her way through the crowds of people. Walking by an empty classroom that nobody really used, Ava was grabbed and pulled harshly inside, whoever it was locking the door behind them. Throwing her bag down, Ava was ready to defend herself before seeing Gwen stood before her causing her to relax a little.

"So that's the reason you've cut us off? Your new relationship with Parker?" Gwen scoffed, making it obvious to Ava this wasn't going to be a pleasant conversation.

Shaking her head slowly, she denied her accusations "I'm not in a relationship with Peter.. and he's not the reason I've been distant." She spoke calmly, she had been trained well enough to know to say calm when someone is frustrated with you. She didn't want the situation to escalate.

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