Spiders And Widows.

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10pm, the time read as Ava checked her phone. Yawning, as she picks up her doormat, grabbing her key.

Ava had purposely stayed later than usual at the Comic book store that night, in an attempt to get some extra money. She wanted to pay Peter back for his kind act.

She lazily turns her doorknob, opening the door, as she stumbles inside. "I'm homeee" she calls out to nobody, sighing as she turns and locks the door behind her.

Glancing over to the kitchen she noticed all her bags from earlier still sitting there. She groans before walking over, beginning to put all her groceries away.

Ava checks the time again as she walks down the small hall to her bedroom, carelessly tossing off her clothes and replacing them with her pjs.

She wanders over to her bathroom, wiping her makeup off before turning all the lights off and throwing herself into bed; completely exhausted.

A sudden loud bang the next day causes Ava to jolt up from her sleep, breathing heavy. Her mind started to race as she automatically thought the worst.

It wasn't until she heard the beeping sound of the trash collectors truck that she finally let her guard now, laying back down to finish her sleep.

"Trash collectors?" She sat back up, stating in confusion before checking the time 11am "shit I'm late!"

Ava threw herself out of bed as she rushed to her closet, grabbing a pair of white sweats and a cute, purple cropped top. Throwing her hair up into a messy ponytail and grabbing her bag, she rushed out of her apartment and to school.


"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." She mumbles to herself as she races through the halls and to her locker, grabbing her books for the day as the lunch bell rung.

She closes her locker, resting her head against the cold metal. She began mentally scolding herself for not setting her alarm.

She just prayed she could get away with being late and nobody would notice as she rushed off to the lunch hall.

She b-lines it for her friends usual table. throwing herself down in the chair, closing her eyes. Her head gently, thumping against the table.

"Well hello to you too" A cheerful, Gwen smiles brightly causing Ava to lift her head up, unamused.

"I hope you didn't get detention, we have decathlon practice after school." Liz joined the conversation, popping a grape into her mouth.

Ava's gaze diverted over to Liz "I didn't get detention, I forgot to set my alarm last night when I came home from the comic book store." She sighs, visibly tired.

Gwen reached out and rubbed her arm "hey, at least you made it eventually. You've got the second half of the day to enjoy."

Ava smiled slightly, she always appreciated how positive Gwen tried to be in down situations. It was one of the reasons Ava finally caved and began letting her guard down, bonding with her.

"Thanks Gwen." She sits up straight causing something or should I say someone to catch her eye.

She fiddled in her pocket for the $10 bill before turning to her friends "hey guys, I'll be right back" she stated before making her way over to the other end of the lunch hall, where Peter was sat.

The White Widow |  Peter x reader story | DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora