Chapter 1 - Imprisonment

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Back then, It hadn't thought too much about it.


After all, who would? Deities are ironically similar to mortals, only different in power.

"It must be done. I'm sorry, my sibling."

So when your sibling betrays you, you're bound to resent them with an unspeakable hatred.

"I, the Original One, hereby banish you from this realm. Never come back."

Backstabbing is the cruelest way of defeat, since it doesn't come from your enemies. Especially since there was little to no contact about it before.

I remember the only talk the two beings had about this matter before the imprisonment.

"Sibling, I must request you stop your rampages. Neither of my two creations can work with your endeavors going on."

However, an agreement was impossible.

"Arceus, you know I can't do it. I'm your counterpart, while you are the Origin of All, I am the End. Not acting would go against my very nature."

Palkia and Dialga despised the Original One's sibling. After all, why wouldn't they? Their work kept being destroyed by what became the Renegade.

"I see."

 And so, their request was eventually heeded by their parent in the form of the Distortion World. It was made to contain the most powerful of deities in it.

"I trusted you!"

The Renegade couldn't fight and win against The Original One. Even if they were siblings, one was considerably more powerful and far more experienced than the other.

The Distortion World was a seal beyond reckoning. It had three main abilities, one called Time Warp, one called Space Singularity and one called Power Dispersion.

Time was warped in a scale of one outside to a billion within.

The second one was made to counter a power all high-level deities held - the power to create separate bodies acting like drones.

When one body entered the Realm, the whole entity would be pulled along so no drones would be left behind, and it could only create doubles once it got outside again.

The third one acted as a seal to the trapped one's powers, slowly draining them and storing them within the empty dimension. If the Pokémon somehow got out, their power wouldn't follow them outside the prison, forever stuck within the Distortion World.

As long as the entity was inside, the strange dimension would give access to their power, but only if the sealer chose to free the prisoner would all that power be returned to its rightful owner and enable it to exert it outside.

To seal someone in, the sealer had to be able to exert authority over the dimensions of either time or space and overpower the one to be sealed.

With a seal like this, even the Renegade couldn't do anything. Not until much later, at least.

The Pokémon's hate for its sibling grew over time as did its control over its power. Motivated by nothing but pure revenge, it did its best to grow accustomed to its immense destructive capabilities and find new uses for it.

Over time, it turned the empty expanse that was the Distortion World into a world of its very own.

It's hatred eventually subsided. People eventually grow tired of seeking revenge, and Deities are quite similar.

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