3rd person POV:

George was sleeping in Karl's arms as Quacktiy discussed with Sapnap and Dream. "Oh im so sorry for leaving you here George." Karl apologized to the sleeping George.

The only response Karl got back were little snores and Karl just found that really funny.

"Hey they said that they wouldn't kill him and they would let him stay over in the mansion as long as they take his blood once a week." Quackity said walking to his lover.

"Ok can you help me carry him my arms are really numb because I've been here for like 10 minutes." Karl laughs looking at the peaceful George I'm his arms.

"Yea sure." Quackity laughs knowing that George was a really heavy sleeper. Quackity carried George to the van they were in and he put him in the back seat were George laid down.

"Hey Dream mind if I use your hoodie as a blanket?" Karl asked Dream who looked at Sapnap.

"No I'm cold." Dream said then went to get inside the driver's seat. "Here take mine it's more warm that Dreams." Sapnap said giving his hoodie to Karl.

"Thanks Sap." Karl thanked him and went to the back seats were Quacktity was sitting next to George. "Here cover him with this." Karl said giving Quackity Sapnaps hoodie.

"Thanks babe." Quackity said, covering George with the hoodie that had a flame print on it.

-Back with Dream and Sapnap.-

"Whyd you give him your hoodie?" Dream asked his lover who smiled.

"Don't you get it we could date him and use him for his blood and he'll never know." Sapnap snickered. "Actually that's not a bad idea sappy." Dream said hitting the gas pedal.

"Exactly but first we have to get him to trust us and to love us." Sapnap said. "We can heat you guys, you guys better not play with out gogy!" Karl screamed angrily at the 2 Boys in the front.

"Yea yea we can't promise shit." Dream said. "Dream I will turn you in and tell your family." Quackity said and Dream stopped smiling.

"You wouldn't." Dream said. "I would if you played with our best friend." Quackity challenged Dream. "Aw I thought we were you best friends." Sapnap whined.

"Not our number 1 best friend thats for sure." Karl mumbled. "Oi that's mean." Sapnap says and then frowns.

"Not out fault yall want to play with his feelings, you know how sensitive he is?" Karl asked. "Who sensitive?" George yawned waking up.

"NO one George how was your sleep?" Karl asked, trying to change the topic. Karls plan was a success as George replied with a sleepy "it was good.".

"Thats amazing but we're almost there." Dream smirked. Karl and Quackity sent Sapnap and Dream a mad glare but they just rolled their eyes.

"Um ok what are your names sorry?" George asked. "I'm Dreama and this is my lover, Sapnap, and were looking for a person to join our relationship." Dream quickly introduced themselves hoping George would get a hint.
"OH that's good I hope you guys get a good person to join your relationship." George wished and smiled with his signature smile again.

" Yea I think we already met him." Sapnap smiled winking at George. "Oh really what's his name?" George asked not taking the hint.

"His name is Fundy now let's get out were here." Karl said pulling George out of the car. "Ew no Fundy is dating 5up." Sapnap said scrunching up his face.

"Oh I forgot about that ha." Karl laughed and George smiled at his friends goofiness.

"Thats funny I hope I met the missing piece to your relationship." George told Dream and Sapnap. "Oh you already did." Dream smirked at the innocent boy.

"But Karl and Quackity are dating?" George said confused at all of this. "It's you." Sapnap smiled and George looked at him confusingly.

"But you just met me and almost killed me?" George reminded them. "Lets just go in George I can show you my room!" Karl yelled in order to cover up what Dream was going to say.

"Oh ok but do you still have my wallet?" George asked. Karl smiled and handed George his wallet while pulling him inside the house.

"Wait wait who's he?" The guard, Sam, asked Karl. "Just a old friend we found while going out." Karl said and Sam nodded smiling at George. George once again smiled his signature smile and Sam awed.

"Thats such a cute smile!" He squealed. "Thank you um." George said. "Sam." Sam said then opened the door. "Thank you Sam" Karl and George said running into the house.

"Wait Karl we need to take off our shoes." George says. "No were getting you new thing and you also need a shower no offense." Karl said.

"No I understand I really do need one." George smiled then walked with Karl. "Ok I'm going to give you one of my sweaters and some shorts as long as some boxers." Karl explained when he got to his room.

"You can shower because I don't think you want to take a bath.." Karl asked and George nodded. Karl went over to his closet and got out a baby blue hoodie with some black shorts and some boxers.

"Here go take a shower now and remember you can use whatever shampoo." Karl reminds George and he nods.

While George is in the shower Quackity, Sapnap, and Dream come into the room. "Where is he?" Dream asks. "Hes showering Clay." Karl says using Dream real name.

"Why so mad?"Dream teased and Karl stood up. "Because your trying to use George and his he's really fragile-" Karl gets cut off by George coughing.

"Use me?" George asks Karl looking at Sapnap and Dream. "Oh um hey George." Dream says trying to change the subject.

"Don't change the subject why are you trying to use me?" Gorge asks Dream and Sapnap who are now panicking. "Well um you see we drink blood and we never really tasted blood like yours so we were wondering if we started to date you we could always get some of your blood."Sapnap rambled.

"No." George says then turns to Karl. "What do you mean no?" Dream asks George who now had his back to them. "I'm going back to my village to help out my towns people and to give them all the smiles they need."George demands.

"Well George you can't do that because of you do we'll kill you." Sapnap says, laughing at the end.

"What?" George asks.

Hey guys tbh I'm kinda liking this story more then my other ones. So you guys tell me if I should continue it?

Anyway with that said eat food, drink water and stay happy and amazing I love you guys baii

-Thatonewithalongname <3

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