Chapter 4

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My shift at the library has been unusually quiet with only a couple people quickly coming in to browse some books. None of them needing any help only one of them buying a book . Who I briefly seem to recognize as one of the owners of one of the many small stalls that are in our small town.

No one's entered the shop in about an hour. But I soon hear the faint ringing of the bell I quickly sit up from the chair I was sitting on behind the desk. Hurrying up to help the person and then my Rush smashing my hip against the corner of the table as I go around it.

As I make it to the front of the store slightly limping and rubbing my hip in pain. I see Mrs. Moore standing there with quite a few bags in her hands I quickly rush forward and take a couple off of her hands my hip stinging with the fast movement. " Mrs.Moore what are you doing with all these bags" I question as she smiles at me. " oh Dearie I was just walking back from visiting the Blacksmith when I realized I needed to pick up some food and a couple other random things" she says to me as we walk towards the back of the store

" did anyone of interest come in today my dear" she asked as I sit back down on the table and she piers at me from across the table getting slightly distracted by organizing a pile of books on the side of the table. " oh no nothing too bad Mrs. Moore I went and delivered some books to the mayor and a couple people came in but otherwise it was really quiet today" as I lean back in the chair the small noises of the chair creaking as I move echoing in the small store.

" well since it's so quiet today Dearie how about you take a couple hours off earlier than usual I'm sure  have to catch up with some of your friends" she says she walks around the counter showing me off the chair

" really Mrs. Moore are you sure" I asked as I nervously stand beside her " of course dear you deserve it you work so hard every single day You need a break once in a while I mean you are only 17 you have to have some fun you've been working here for years ever since you were 12" she says looking at me with a sort of look in her eyes and I know I won't be able to convince her otherwise.

" thank you Mrs. Moore" I see you tomorrow before grabbing my satchel from underneath the table and hurrying out of the bookstore. As the door behind me closes I noticed that the outside has gotten much more busy the bookstore is in the middle of town right in between all the other shops and all that. I decide to go to the bakery which is owned by my friend Mia's parents and  Leo  works there and hazel hangs out there they are my three best friends.

Leo and Mia are dating and they are the cutest couple , I've been best friends with Leo since I moved here and I was so happy for him when he started dating Mia. Mia was the one who introduced me to Hazel and Both of them are literal angels . They're both 18 so a year older than me.

Leo who his real name is Leonardo but he hates being called that is 19 He has strawberry brown hair freckles and dusty brown eyes  and he is a significant amount taller than me. Mia on the other hand is even shorter than me but she likes to wear these tall lace up boots that make her the same height as me she has brown puppy dog eyes and gorgeous silky smooth brown hair. Hazel on the other hand is taller than both me and Mia she's got dirty blonde hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes and she also works at the library I work at but only does like part-time jobs there and doesn't work there as often as I do so she usually just hangs out in the bakery were Mia and Leo work.

I finally get to the bakery it's on the corner of our main street and is about two times bigger than the bookstore. Mia and her parents live above the bakery. As I try and walk in someone walks out nearly knocking me over with the door we both quickly apologize and I walk into the store seeing that it's not as busy as usual. I quickly walk around looking for my friends and I see them all sitting together around One of the tables closer to the back of the bakery. As I walk in farther the smell of coffee tea and fresh baked goods hits me. Both Mia and Leo always smell like the café it's a comforting smell it reminds me of my friends and The people I consider my family.

The lost princess of powerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin