There's a Basilisk in Homeroom

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"Alright my darling," Tom turned his full attention towards Nyoka after his knights scampered off back to sleep the remainder of their day off.

Nyoka nearly hissed at the endearment, still clearly raging at her predicament.

"I would like you to be able to stay by my side throughout the day, so put that Slytherin cunning to use and figure out how." Tom thought she might turn into a smaller snake to hide up his sleeve,  maybe become invisible to stay by him, maybe even kill one of his classmates and assume their identity. 

None of those options were very desirable to Nyoka and so she did the oddest possible way of going about the task her master assigned to her... she asked permission. 

A letter was placed on the Headmaster Dippets desk informing him of a transfer student due to arrive that very next day, Nyoka Takahashi. She changed the date so that it appeared to have been written nearly two weeks prior and happened to be lost in the mountain of paperwork on his desk. 

The next morning a panicked Headmaster scrambled to rectify his mistake and prepare for the incoming transfer student. 

Headmaster Dippet and a few professors went out to meet the incoming student, a beautiful girl with white hair and pale skin stood before them. They thought she must be at least part veela with the powerful allure she gave off. Little did they know, pure dark magic was always alluring.

"Ah you must be miss Takahashi, I'm terribly sorry for the lack of response I do hope you can forgive us. Welcome to Hogwarts, my dear! Professor Dumbledore shall escort you to the main hall, the students are currently having breakfast so it is the opportune time to have you sorted. You will be given a schedule but will attend none of your classes for the day so that you can settle in. Any questions?"  Dippet rambled trying to maintain his composure as the fierce stare of the girl was focused completely on him.

"No sir, I thank you for welcoming me into your beautiful school. I know I shall enjoy my time here." 

Pureblood. All of the professors thought at the same time. No other child would be able to hold themselves with such royal grace.

As instructed Nyoka followed professor dumbledore toward the main hall. She looked at all of the walls pretending she wasn't seeing the castle for the millionth time. 

"So Miss Takahashi, where do you transfer from? It's quite odd to have a transfer at such an odd point in the year." He was clearly suspicious of the seemingly young girl and she wouldn't make direct eye contact so that he could search her thoughts. 

"Yes, I suppose my circumstances would appear rather suspect. You see I was homeschooled up until now. After my mother died a few weeks ago my new guardian decided it would be wise to have a fresh start and give schooling a shot so that I could make some friends my own age." Nyoka's lies seamlessly slipped from her tongue like venom and all doubt was wiped from dumbledores face, replaced with pity. 

"Oh my dear girl, I'm so terribly sorry for your loss."

"If I'm being honest professor, and please do not think less of me for saying this, I am not. my mother was a wicked woman who refused to allow me any freedom. I am excited to have the opportunity to have some form of normal childhood experiences." A bright smile graced Nyoka's face as she looked up at the professor. 

They reached the door of the main hall and heard Headmaster Dippet listing announcements. 

Tom was extremely annoyed, he had not seen his familiar since he woke up. Worry clouded his mind as he searched the chamber of secrets early in the morning only to find it empty.

She could be up to anything. 

He attended breakfast as usual though his worries never left him. He had noticed Professor Slughorn had the sorting hat in his hands and his interest peaked slightly. 

"And one final announcement for today. We will be welcoming a transfer student, please welcome... Miss Nyoka Takahashi."

Tom choked on the coffee he was drinking as he saw his familiar walking towards the headmaster. He heard similar reactions from the knights sitting around him who knew who she was. 

Whispers began to circle about the white-haired beauty. Some said she was a fae princess, some said a veela, one mugblood boy from Griffyndor even said an angel. 

'Pick your jaw up Thomas, you'll catch flies.'  He heard her parseltongue curl around his mind as if she were whispering in his ear. 

He flinched wondering how she was able to communicate with him telepathically, it was probably the bond. The more he learned about the benefits the more pleased he was with his decision to attain his ancestor's familiar. 

As she sat on the stool she sent him a bored look, as if she'd rather be anywhere else in the world.

The hat had barely touched her head before declaring, "SLYTHERIN! 

She made her way towards the table and more specifically him. He unceremoniously pushed Avery further down the bench to make room next to him for the familiar. 

"Goodmorning Master." She said smirking as she heard a few embarrassed gasped from students within earshot. 

He saw a few students blush at the obvious sexual implication his familiar just spat.

"I didn't know Riddle was into that kind of thing." He heard one of his female housemates whisper to her friend.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing Nyoka!" He whispered harshly.

"You wished for me to stay by your side did you not? This seemed the most achievable option." She said looking at the human food in disgust. 

"You spoke to me in my mind... How can you do that?"

"You really should have done more research, brat. You connected our souls. Your thoughts are my thoughts, your desires are mine, your memories are mine. I know each and everything in your head, every thought you've ever had, every sin you've ever committed. I can speak through your mind because it is mine as well."

Tom didn't know whether to be thrilled or terrified at the notion that she knew everything about him. She was perfect, the perfect soldier, the perfect partner. 

She could not hurt or disobey him, she knew his thoughts and desires without him even having to voice them. She was ruthless and dark and would bend to his will until death. 

"I wouldn't get that excited, I still plan on making your life as difficult as I can." She scrunched her nose in displeasure at his thoughts. 

A vicious, genuine smile took over his face as he gently grabbed her chin. His thumb mindlessly trailed up and down her sharp jaw. 

"We are going to do so many wonderful things, my darling Nyoka."

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