A Master and His Knights

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Tom woke with a start, it was early Sunday morning and his Slytherin roommates were all still sound asleep.

He didn't remember coming back to his room last night. Had it all been a dream? Maybe he didn't win Salazar's greatest weapon with the least thought-out trick he had ever performed. 

He let out a shriek of surprise (though he would never admit that) to the pretty familiar standing at the end of his bed with a terrifying forced smile.

"Goodmorning Master." Nyoka's voice was filled with a cheerful fury and the sinister smile remained on her face. 

The other Slytherins in the room woke with all the commotion. Malfoy, Avery, and Lestrange woke to see what their dark lord was so startled by only to find a beautiful girl with white hair and skin. 

"CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Tom roared. It took his brain no more than a second to realize that Nyoka would absolutely take out her rage on his followers. 

She may not be able to hurt him physically, but blaming him for the murder of three students would absolutely be on the table. With those deadly yellow eyes of hers, it would only take one look and Tom would have a one-way ticket to Azkaban.

The boys did not question him and immediately did as they were told, but what surprised Tom most was Nyoka also followed his orders. The second the command left his lips her eyelids closed involuntarily, forced by her master's command. 

He paused for a moment, thinking about what this could mean. 

"Tell me the truth... Do you have to follow all of my orders?" Tom questioned Nyoka in parseltongue.

She looked for a moment as if she was trying to withstand the order and fight off a reply. Through grit teeth, she was forced to tell her master the truth, "Unless the order were to harm my master in any way... Yesss." 

His eyes lit up in excitement, a follower who could never harm him, never disobey him, the perfect right hand. Oh, this by far was the best thing he could ever inherit. 

A. Perfect. Weapon. 

"I forbid you from killing or harming anyone until I say so," Tom ordered, causing her jaw to tighten in anger. 

"You can open your eyes," Tom said in English. Everyone once again obeyed, he smirked a bit at the immediate mindless compliance of his followers.

When he looked into Nyoka's glaring eyes he noticed they were no longer yellow, but a cold steel grey. 

"Umm... m-my lord... Who's this?" Avery asked, his eyes not leaving the form of the pretty girl who had appeared in their dorm.

"Call a meeting... Now. Inner circle only." Tom's smile, shook the boys to their core. His usually stoic face house a malicious grin that scared the hell out of them. They did as they were told and scrambled to rouse the other Knights of Walpurgis. 

"Follow me, Nyoka dear." Tom's patronizing voice annoyed the immortal basilisk greatly. How dare this filthy half-blood order HER around. A pain shot through her head as she thought poorly of her master. An unfortunate side effect that would eventually fade, the bond was still brand new after all.

Tom lead her up the stairs to the Slytherin common room, as it was early on the weekend the room was completely deserted. Tom took the leather-bound seat directly in front of the fireplace. The seat faced two expensive leather couches like a throne, he sat before the annoying smirk made its way back onto his face. 

He patted the right arm rest on his throne and his smirk grew, "Sit here Nyoka."

She practically growled as she made her way to his side, sitting where she was told. 

Malfoy was the first to arrive, taking his seat nearest to tom on the right couch. Tom's previous right-hand man, though at the moment he was completely unaware that he had been replaced.

It didn't take long for Avery and Lestrange to bring the newly woken Nott, Rosier, and Black.  Each took their assigned seats trying to look as if they weren't asleep only moments prior. 

Confusion filled their gaze as they saw the women practically sitting in their leader's lap. A new recruit? a girlfriend? 

They had never seen her at Hogwarts, maybe she was a transfer? 

She sat like royalty, she had an air of power about her, she was beautiful in another worldly kind of way. Something about her didn't seem quite...human. Maybe it was her unnaturally pale skin, or black lips, though that could just be makeup. (It wasn't) Maybe it was her cold grey eyes, filled with an unnamed fury that seemed to scrutinize each of them. 

They all began to sweat under her gaze, their muscles tightened as they tried to fight off their fight or flight response. 

"Good now that you are all here, I'd like you to meet someone... this is Nyoka." The moment the name left tom's mouth a variety of responses occurred. 

Nott, Rosier, and Avery seemed confused. 

Black and Lestrange seemed to recognize the name but were unable to place it.  

But Malfoy, Malfoy looked terrified. He had been the one to do the research on the chamber of secrets, he knew all about Salazar Slytherin's familiar. Though when he pictured the basilisk he pictured a giant terrifying monster, not a small terrifying girl. "Y-You don't mean... Dear Merlin Tom!" His voice shook as he scrambled back into Lestrange's side. 

"As most of you are aware, I have been hunting the chamber of secrets for quite some time in search of Slytherin's weapon. Well... here she is. Nyoka was Slytherin's Familiar, a basilisk in her true form. Now she is bound to me by the master-familiar bond." Tom affectionately played with Nyoka's hair knowing she could do nothing against him. 

He felt pleased with the look of horror that crossed his follower's faces. 

"I will have ye insignificant mortals know, it was NOT by choice and if I could I'd have thy hearts like mudbloods for slaughter. The only reason ye continue to take breathe is this bond holding me captive." Tom was surprised, he had never heard her speaking English before and her posh flutelike voice surprised him. 

The terror in the eyes of the purebloods only grew more extreme with her threatening words. Something about how calmly and cheerfully she expressed her bloodlust only made it that much more horrifying. 

At least the brat kept good pureblood company, Nyoka thought, another pain shot through her head at her insult.

I may not be able to harm him, but I will make his life a living hell. 

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