Getting Sweets

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You walked down the street with Watari as you explained why you could go. He listens and nodded here and there until you go to the sweet shop. He ordered a couple cakes and some cookies for you. You turned to look out the window and saw a man. Be had blonde hair and was eating a chocolate bar. He smirked at you as you smiled at him. "Let's go (y/n)." He said grabbing your hand. You walked out as the blonde was still by the window. You smiled a sweet smile as he smirked back.

You came back with your bag of cookies and ran into the room. "Ryuuu!! We got cake!!" You yelled and jumped beside him. "I got cookies!!" You said. "And there was a man who had a chocolate bar, and he smiled at me!! He seemed nice." You smiled and looked up at him. He frowned as he got up. "He's bad...dont talk to him ok?" He said going to get the cake. You looked over at Aizawa and he shrugged.

You sat on the floor like Ryuzaki and ate your cookies. He seemed to be watching you more then often. You looked up to see him watching you. You waved and started eaitig your cookies again. Watari came and grabbed your bag. "You need to eat dinner soon." He said. You stood up and walked to Ryuzaki. He was talking and had pit his cake down. You sat by the table and started eating his cake. "Um...(y/n)...thats my cake." You nodded as you looked up and saw the blonde sitting on the balcony with chocolate. He then jumped off and went somewhere else. You just giggled as Ryuzaki took your cake. "The blondes name is Mello. Don't go near him...I don't want him to hurt you."

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