October 30th

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Halloween weekend. Ella's favorite holiday and the morning after her first date with Bucky. She woke up alone, much to her disappointment. This time the week before Bucky had been in her bed but after her dad's warning last night, things hadn't unfolded in quite the same way. Bucky and Ella had decided it was best if he didn't take her parents up on the offer of the spare room, Ella thought it was best to spare Bucky from having to sit through breakfast with her family who were sure to ask probing questions.

Instead, after not one but two movies, the second of which Ella had mostly missed after falling asleep on Bucky's shoulder, Bucky had given Ella a quick kiss and said goodbye before heading home. Ella had stood with her eyes closed, leaning back against the front door after he'd left, just wanting to savor the happiness before she went to sleep. However, when she woke the next morning, none of it had disappeared. Her family all seemed to notice.

"You look especially happy this morning," her mom commented. Ella looked shyly down at her feet.

"I'm guessing your date was good?" Steve added.

Ella nodded, trying to contain her smile, "yeah it was good." What an understatement.

"I'm glad to hear it, sweetheart," her mom said, giving her a quick peck on the temple.

The three of them were soon joined by Joseph who cooked them a batch of pancakes. Ella drizzled hers with maple syrup and dug in as her mom asked Steve about their Halloween plans. That conversation caught her attention.

"You guys still haven't told me what you're going as," she complained to Steve.

"That's because you already know," he replied. Ella rolled her eyes.

"You're doing army guys again?" She groaned. This would be the third year in a row. She had to admit, the first time they'd done it she'd done a bit of a double-take at Sam, he did look good in that costume. She could see why they were sticking with it but she was still hoping for a little creativity.

"Just me and Sam, Buck said he's doing his own thing"

There's still hope. She wondered what he could be doing, having expected him to just join in with Sam and Steve she assumed his idea must be pretty good.

When they'd finished up breakfast she and Steve headed to the gym. It had been a while since they'd worked out in the garage, they usually opted to use the school gym during the week instead. Before they got on with their workouts Ella plugged her phone into the speaker, putting on a 2000s pop playlist she loved but knew Steve would hate. Just as she expected, it was met with a groan.

"Really?" He complained. Ella didn't grace him with an answer, instead, she walked over to the weights and wasted no time getting started.

She was halfway through her workout when Steve came over and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?" He said, reaching over to the speaker to turn the music down. He gestured at her to take a seat, and they both dropped down onto the floor. Ella welcomed the break in her workout, she was already sweaty and out of breath.

"Sure," Ella replied.

"It's about Nat," he started. He was fiddling with his fingers, his eyes cast straight down at the floor. Ella's eyes widened, she was already grinning.

"I knew it!" She laughed, "it's finally happening!"

Steve looked at her with confusion, "what do you mean?"

Ella shook her head, he was oblivious. She'd always known that but right then it was glaringly obvious.

"Sorry," she said, reigning in her excitement. "Ask away."

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