chapter 26

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Everyone didn't make a sound nor move as their wide eyes look at the terrifying eldritch who is almost losing his humane form appearing a few tentecles behind him, waving dangerously. But what's even more terrifying is the eldritch's pissed off face as his red eyes glowing furiously. His eyes landed on the two males in the corner of the room who are frozen in fear. The eldritch's stare Hardened when that repulsive vampire still didn't take his disgusting arm off of his scientist causing him to quietly growl which did not heard

Flug couldn't move his body nor speak as he was too frozen in fear to do something that if he did he might get his life ended. He didn't know what's wrong with his boss or what made him so pissed off and he pray that he will survive and get out of here alive

"Didn't I told you that" blackhat said in that fake calm in his voice were more terrifying than his angry shouts

The young vampire was still frozen but his mind is trying to process about what the eldritch said. And when he did, He quickly move his arm away from the doctor as he puts his hands up above his  chest

"H-hey, I don't want to c-cause any trouble" Damien said hesitated not sure what's happening

"I hope so, cause I didn't plan on finding a new scientist like his rare talent so soon"

Ohhhh now Damien is soo sure what's going on. The looks he's giving him, the threats, his threatening aura. He knew that signs all too damn well which made it interesting. But as interesting as it was a little bit more, Damien knew when to stop crossing the lines and he know damn well what that eldritch is capable of and what torture he's going received if he push his buttons a little more and he didn't want to find out what torture the eldritch had in-store for him. He's too handsome and beautiful to die So soon, how could anyone witness his handsomeness if he died today? That just won't do

"I wasn't planning on... taking him for my collections if that's what you mean" Damien said reassuring him

"Good" the eldritch said as he calms down and elegantly sit in his chair. And once again the whole room went quiet as everyone still trying to process what the hell just happened. Even the eldritch is having a difficult time trying to figure out about what he just did

Why he acted like that?

Why did he almost lose his humane form?

Why was he blinded in rage and darkness when that two are so close? Especially knowing that it's a half Incubus holding his scientist?

Incubus are very dangerous creatures especially when they are close to your mate, lover, or someone who you hold dear in your heart. They are good at stealing someone else's spouse because it's more pleasurable and entertaining to see them shuttered in despair by their own lovers leaving them. Which his human scientist is safe since he wasn't married nor have a lover for that Matter so he was safe but he just couldn't help the feeling of someone else soo close to him And that disgusting twisted he's feeling in his stomach

Damn just what is wrong with him? He's getting out of control over the past few days and it was making him frustrated. This all started...about that accident-

"Um so i...apologize for my son's behavior and I assure you it won't happen again" the duke was the first to break that insufferable silence. Black hat snap out of his own thoughts as he look at the duke

"I do hope so. And your request will be done in..." Black hat pause as he look at his scientist who look at him and when they made eye contact the human quickly averted his eyes away as he watch the floor like it's the most interesting thing. Black hat turn to look back at the duke once again " in two weeks..." That last sentence made the scientist look at him in surprised and blackhat could feel relief, and joy coming out from his scientist. After that accident Usually he would give him one, two, or three days to finish the project  but he needed sometime to think and to figure out what's happening to him

"Well that's wonderful to hear! I'll let one of my fellow men come here to get my order and don't worry we will pay you handsomely!" The duke said excitedly as blackhat grin  "now if you'll excuse us, we will be going now"

"Farewell duke Cassius"

"Yes, yes, ofcourse. We will be going now. Damien, lets go" Damien didn't respond as he followed his father walk out of the office leaving Dr flug and blackhat alone


Heya guys! It's been a long time since I last updated huh? Well I deeply apologize for making y'all waited for such a long period of time and updated very...uh..slow? And I was too caught up with my homework, modules, projects, and other activities that I almost don't know how to continue or what will happens next of the story. BUT I never said I will cancelled this! Just because I don't have a lot of ideas popping on my head now doesn't mean I quit making this story. I mean I hate those who makes an amazing story just to abandoned them and leaving their readers hanging like a puppy waiting for their master to feed them or something, especially when the readers likes their story that they're dying to know what happens next to the story

And I have experience that SOO.MANY.TIMES

But maybe some had a good reasons that they abandoned their story works...

I will try my best to update as soon as possible! And I wanted to say thanks for those who just started following me! and also thanks for those who supports me which gives me sooo much determination to continue this!

Love y'all Soo much! And be safe!

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