A and Q

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Breadthedead ask:
Well then, my cat has not been eating (also she is going crazy rn...) So what do I do?? I mean you DID say anything

Author: oh um Im not really sure here...

Blackhat: me neither, and are all mortals this stupid? What the author meant that you can all ask us ANYTHING that RELATED to US

Dementia: hey flug since your the doctor here, what happened to the cat?

Flug: how many times do I have to tell you I am a SCIENTIST not a doctor nor a veterinarian! And also I do recommend that you should go to a vet to check if she's ok?
Author: I agree. But if your cat is still young then I guess its normal I think? I mean cats that are still young are very..... Let's just say handful sometimes? And when they are they are kinda a bit annoying and destructive . I know cuz I had like 3 cats and 3 dogs in my house

Blackhat: destructive you say? Now I'm starting to consider of getting a cat

Flug: sir if lil' jack knows this that you had other pet in your mansion other than her she will surely eat it out of jealousy

Blackhat: well then let them fight to see who's the strongest. And whoever be the champion will be my one and only pet

Dementia: I can be you your pet blacky~

Blackhat: usually I loved disgusting things but your the type of disgust that even I can't appreciate

Dementia: I can be more disgusting if you want~

Blackhat: go to the deepest pit of fire in hell and burn yourself for eternity

Dementia: well that is hot

Blackhat: fuuuu-

Flug: GUYS! we are getting out of topic here!

Author: I agree. Though I am kinda enjoying the scene rn (eats a popcorn)

Flug: since when did you get a popcorn?

Author: dunno

Dora_maronbeira ask:

To black
Or flug can still walk after you eat he?

Blackhat: hmm~ that's a secret, dear~ I don't want to spoil some of the story now should I? And I am pretty sure the answer is obvious. Right doctor~

Flug: (starting to sweat and flustered) u-um...eh uh....i-i do-don't...um ...

Author: good thing dementia wasn't here right now

00hqoa ask:
Hmmm question, blackhat. Did you ever stalked someone?? Who did you stalked if you did?

Blackhat: if I'm being honest. No. never had I stalked anyone in all my millions of years. Not until that .... accident. Making me lose control like that like some kind of animal in heat. Truly humiliating....(growl) and making me doing foolish things that one time that I was stalking flug

00hqoa ask:
(You don't have to answer this)
So I- there is this boy I like problem is he is s typical owners student everyone loves him and I'm just that shy kid who gets pick on, and I'm quite sure he's straight what do I do?

Author: well i-

Dementia: OOOOHHHHhhhhhh! A boy problem?! Let me handle this I'm an expert at this kind of field!

Blackhat: really? You have been making an attempt to get my attention for years yet failed miserably

Dementia: well your different blacky~ you are way challenger and I like challenges! It's more fun! And besides who could resist your terrifying charms, your oh so perfect body, your hot-

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