part 1

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*Draco's Pov*

I don't really think im deserving of any kind of love. I've always been hated. I didn't deserve anything good for me. But, I still don't know how lucky I got for you to be in my life. I feel more loved than ever. I've never felt so okay and happy. Whether it is 10 days or 10 years from now, please don't ever get tired of me. I know I'll always love you and I promise you we can do this.


*normal pov*

Draco had stayed the evening at Eleanor's dorm. The curtains were drawn, yet letting out some light but not enough to wake them. The sheets were pulled over them and their fingers intertwined with her back to his front. Their breathing was hushed and their feather-light touches made them feel comforted. Eleanor unconsciously curled over and became closer to Draco. Even though they were asleep, their hearts were one and they knew that. 


Conscious but still in a sleepy state, Eleanor wrapped her arms over what she thought was Draco. Her arms clapped against each other as they fell in Draco's absence. 

A tall handsome figure sat down, causing the bed to sink. It was Draco with a cup of tea, which he placed on the little table beside him. 

"Good morning, my love." he moved the hair from her face and put it behind her ear. She smiled, that's all he needed to count it as a hello. The click from both of the cups hitting the wooden table next to them fully woke her. She sat up, preparing herself for the drink but instead Draco climbed onto her, holding her waist for a while. She played with his hair and formed shapes on his bare, pale back with her finger. They remained like that for a while, since each other's company could never bore them. It was the weekend, which meant they could do anything together. 

They got changed and ready for breakfast in the Great Hall. As the two of them made their way to breakfast, their fingers were interwoven and their shoulders brushed together as they walked. Not needing to speak because a simple look or the slightest change in body language is already a conversation. They kissed many times because that was their love language and their way of communication.

Draco has never been with anyone as special as Eleanor before. He felt he didn't deserve love. She was his heart, his soul and his world. His everything. 

They entered the Great Hall with their hands still intact, they located their friends and sat down next to them. 

"Good morning you two" Pansy shot a smile from her seat next to Blaise.

"Morning, Pansy."  Eleanor grinned while pouring some cereal into a bowl.


After breakfast, Draco and Eleanor found themselves heading to the library. Their favourite activity to do with each other was to read in each other's comfort. They came to a conclusion of a book called 'Twelve Minutes 'till Midnight. They both enjoyed the description so they took a seat in the library. Draco made sure the book was within Eleanor's view as he took her in his arms. He gently ran his fingers through Eleanor's hair as he read to her in a soft voice. She silently listened as his voice slowly fell into a natural rhythm.

 They both took an interest and are immersed in the story they are bringing to life. Before they both knew it, the pages closed in on each other and it was over. He planted a kiss on her eyelid, meaning to place it on her forehead. This produced a unique sensation running from the base of her spine to her knees. Draco's watch clicked signalling it was nearly lunchtime. 

They took their place in each other's hands again because this is where they both felt safe, with each other. They both slowly walked back to Eleanor's dorm, hand in hand.


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