Chapter 1: Exodus Part lll

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"Draxas - - there is a route through the manufacturing plant nearby that Draxon has not yet blocked. Transmitting coordinates." Eron said to lead Draxas to the objective route "Excellent! Phantomonogens! Lock this room and await our return!" Draxas replied to infiltrate the manufacturing area to proceed "So - - what exactly did they manufacture here?" Asked Archelon regarding the materials being manufactured, "Transport devices for Dark Erideum. The Ancients constructed special pods they could launch to any part of Cassius 9" Draxas replied to Archelon as they keep advancing and terminating the remaining repel troops. "Draxas - - according to my scans the manufacturing plant is directly below your level." Eron directed the location of the manufacturing plant, "There is no exhaust coming from that vent. We can blast through to make an entrance." Draxas suggests, "Aren't you concerned at all venturing into the belly of a beast?" Ikaron's concerned approach as they venture through the Orbital station's upper levels , "Aren't YOU concerned that I might tire of your pointless chatter?" Draxas' annoyed feedback regarding Ikaron's point, "Those fans will split you in two! I can't use you if you're dead!" Draxas' point in directing the venture into the inner s system of the station as Draxas blasted the activated fans to get through the ventilation systems of the station with ease. "See you at the bottom!" Draxas said as he ventured first to the bottom part of the ventilation system. "Draxas, Draxon is alerted to your presence In the production facility, Expect resistance." Eron advised to Draxas to be cautious at proceeding below the system and reaches the bottom, "This place is pretty active to be up and running." Archelon feedback of the station as they proceed with caution in finding and securing the Dark Erideum. "Eron reactivate it upon my orders. I have VERY SPECIAL plans for this facility." As Draxas gives a cue for Eron to deactivate the system facility as the repel troops ambushes them in the lowest system, "Snipers on the bridge, Draxas!" Ikaron said as he notified Draxas and took out the snipers with ease, "Crush them!" Draxas ordered to push through the enemy lines with relative ease. "All shall fall before Draxas!" Draxas said as he shown his might, "This shall channel my rage!" After he took 4 snipers in the upper west corner of the floor. "Once I have enough Dark Erideum online. I will use these canisters to transport it to Cassius 9! The other opposing clans' surprise will be TOTAL." As he activated the lift that leads to the connecting annex above. "I tire of these futile attempts to resist me, Dark Erideum will be MINE." As he told himself of the attempts of Resistance from Draxon's forces to drive him off the station with ease and his aggravating approach in seeing the dark matter to himself. "What makes you think you can control the Dark Erideum, when no one else has ever been able to harness it?" Archelon asked about the aggressive approach Draxas has currently taking "Only the strong are worthy of such a power, Archelon. I am the strongest. And do not question me again!" Draxas replied with such certainty and aggression in claiming the unstable dark matter. He gazes onto a severed damaged part of the station noticing Planet Cassius 9 in a distance "Cassius 9." Draxas said to himself, "Dragons Inbound!" Ikaron said in alerted manner as Pack of dragons interferes and forced to go in counterattack and kill them with ease, "Where do we go now, Draxas?" Archelon asked as they push through the west station platform "The damage looks...old. It's been this way for a good while. But no weapon I know of could've done this." Ikaron pointed his point of view regarding the situation "I don't care what did it - - find a way to across!" Draxas said in aggressive tone of order "The Holomap indicates no damage to this area." Eron notified via the comms as he indicated there's no damage in the area, "Yes...this is unexpected. The entire area lies in ruins." Draxas pointed out to figure a way to across the ruins as he activates a lever that alerts other Tallian Dragons in bound and opens fire to counter attack them and across the field via the ruins and keeps on cover fire as they across and deals with Tallian dragons in bound to their objective. "Tallian dragon coming in!" Ikaron alerted as he shoots them down and reaches the next conduit and deals with more repel units of Draxon's troops with relative ease as they went through with cover fire. "Draxas, I have downloaded the station's log. Transmitting history." Eron replied as he reports to Draxas "Fascinating! According to this, a quantity of Dark Erideum became unstable...and the resulting explosion destroyed this part of the station." Draxas pointed out regarding the cause of the explosion. "Dark Erideum did all of THIS?" Ikaron said high tone "Those fools had no idea how to control it! I'll not make the same mistake!" Draxas replied when he sets his grasps on the dark matter as they keep on venturing the ruins as they deal with Tallian dragons with ease. The floor in the next junction of the station collapses "The platform is splitting apart!" Ikaron warned to take cautious approach to the next station junction "Quickly - - Jump to the other side!" Draxas advised and reached the Core of the station where Dark Erideum is kept.
Draxon arrives with pure shock as he witnessed Draxas made to the core with ease from his tight junctions of troops with ease. "Impossible! No one has ever survived to reach this place!" Draxon directed on Draxas straightly "You shall soon learn, Draxon...I decide what is possible and what isn't!" Draxas replied with atrocity, "Guards! Hold him off while I destroy the last of the Dark Erideum remnants!" Draxon said to order his legion to hold off Draxas and the Troops rushed in to take them out with ease. "STOP HIM!!! I need more time to initiate the self destruct sequence!" Draxon ordered as he keep to override the controls. "We cannot let Draxon succeed! Do you hear me?! I WON'T ALLOW IT!" Draxas ordered in Aggression as he and his unit infiltrated the core and pushed through with difficulty. "Keep shooting those fools! No mercy!" Draxas said in aggression as they deal with the Cassiusian and Epsilonian legions. "Sound the alarm!" An Epsilonian Dragon guard said as I ordered my troops to send more reinforcements. "You're too late! I have initiated the destruction sequence!" Draxon said as he initiated the destructive sequence of the station as the alarm blares. "Quick! Blast the containment field!" Draxas ordered his troops to blast the bulk head doors of the containment field and approach it directly and make contact with the unstable dark matter "You arrogant FOOL! No one has ever survived direct contact!" Draxon exclaims as his troops watch the symbiosis "What? This isn't possible! No! No one can control Dark Erideum! It dominates and destroys every tot touches!" Draxon exclaimed as he witness the symbiosis "HAHAHAHAHAHA! the Dominator...I am the destroyer! I am DRAXAS!" Draxas exclaimed as he successfully have symbiosis and contact with the dark matter while Draxon fled and the station is erupting with crystals of Dark Erideum. "Phantomonogens, receive your birthright!" Draxas said as he lend his Dark flames to Archelon and Ikaron empowering them in the process "I can feel the power! It's amazing!" Ikaron exclaimed as he feel a surge of power within him "Now I shall deal with Draxon!" Draxas said to deal with Draxon as they destroy the Dark Erideum Containment and used his new powers to ravage the core of the station to battle Draxon below and successfully destroyed the bulk head doors and deals with Draxon in the command center "Dark Erideum is MINE to command! Through my will ALONE shall Cassius 9 be restored!" Draxas said as he possessed the dark matter in his grasp. "It's too unstable, Draxas! Using that're endangering our entire world!" Firestriker expressing his fear and concern about the Dark Matter in Draxas' possession, "teach me, Draxas. Teach me to wield Dark Erideum, the way you do! And I will serve you." Draxon stated as he wanted control over the dark matter. "And what could you possibly offer me - - that I cannot simply take?" Draxas asked as he shown sudden interest in Draxon's deal. "The supply of Dark Erideum aboard this station is nearly exhausted. I know how to manufacture more. There was once an Erideum bridge that fed this station directly. I know how to reconnect it." Draxon replied to Draxas about the way to manufacture more of the Volatile Dark Matter whilst to Firestriker's Shock of his betrayal "TRAITOR! STRIDER ZETA will hear about this!" Firestriker exclaimed as he flew and dash off to the planet's surface to report his betrayal as the other Xenomorphogens attempts to shoot and bring him down to no avail. "Shall I sent Vector and Pyraxx to retrieve him. Lord Draxas?" Draxon asked his permission "No. I want the Cassiusians and other clan's leaders to know their doom approaches. Once we have this station online, nothing can stop me!" Draxas pointed out his atrocity "Now go. Find this Erideum bridge and reactivate it...for your new master." Draxas said with Dominance as Draxon and his legion advances to find and reactivate the Erideum bridge to refuel the station and make it back online.

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