Chapter 1: Exodus Part l

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Civil War has ravaged Planet Cassius 9, Homeworld of the Dracanian Race for millennia. Draxas, Leader of the Dark Phantoms recently discovered an Ancient power that will give him the edge to win over the hated Tallian and other Sub races called Dark Erideum. This power remained sealed and locked away for safeguarding aboard an Orbital station under the protection of a sky commander named Draxon.

As the Civil war continues to ravage the planet Cassius 9, In High orbit over the planet is on a non stop aerial combat from the opposing clans with countless number of casualties and Lord Draxas' Warship is approaching the Heavily secured Orbital Station and fights his way through, "Hold your course! Draxon wouldn't fight with such desperation if the legends were true." Archelos replied "Lord're CERTAIN it's here?" As he on one of the pilots in charge to maneuver the warship through, "I AM certain, Archelos. And when I find it...the balance of this war with the Other opposing clans will finally tip in my favor" Lord Draxas said with such certainty and the Orbital long range EMP missiles hits the ship in the left rear breaching the rear engines rendering the warship heavily damaged from the bombardment hitting one of the dragons inside off, "Lord Draxas! Stabilizers are failing!" Ikaron said in desperation "Maintain your heading, Ikaron! Do NOT falter!" Lord Draxas said in reply as the warship's alert is up as the ship nears the station's front area surrounded with EMP cannons, "Sublight engines are offline. Shields at 14% capacity!" Archelos said as he notify Lord Draxas, "Reroute all power to forward guns and thrusters! Full speed ahead!" Lord Draxas said to order to ram the ship through the heavy orbital defenses and one of the dragon soldiers said "But sir! That's suicide!" Before being blasted at a point blank range by Lord Draxas' Dark shot, "Any Further Objections? Ram this warship straight into the heart of that station!" Lord Draxas said in aggregate tone as he orders the pilots to ram straight forward at high speed to the orbital station as the ship enters successfully.

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