First Entry

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Audrey Haupbern

August 27

At least one good thing came from this blasted book, and that's the fact that every character carries around a journal.

Thank you, Bram Stoker, for that minor detail. I can now collect my thoughts in some physical form; hopefully I don't lose my cool while writing everything down. The last thing I need is to become a patient in this damn hospital.

It's been three days since I've arrived here. During this time, I've perused Mina's journal and now have a better grasp on the current situation. She'd received a calling letter from the sister here. The woman had gone a little into detail about how Jonathan, Mina's fiancé, was doing. From what I can recall, he'd gotten himself into this situation thanks to his interactions with the count and the three female vampires who'd tried to seduce him.

What else had happened? I'd read the novel so long ago. Now, I wish I'd re-read it. I'd "awoken" in Mina's body just as she'd stepped through the hospital's doors. No one had noticed the sudden change in her demeanor—I guess that's a good thing. Most likely, if they were to notice anything, they probably would have attributed it to shock at finding her beloved in such a devastating state. Hell, even I'm sorry for the girl and she's no long here, which leads me to my next question; where has Mina gone?

I don't remember much before waking in her body. There was a lot of noise around me. I'd been studying for an upcoming exam for my medieval lit course. An on and off migraine wouldn't leave me alone since I'd woken up that morning; no over-the-counter meds had been able to counter the pain. Just as I was about to give up on the pretense of studying, the dull ringing that had been apparent at noon had risen to an obnoxious noise that did little to ease any pain. Next thing I knew, here I am sans original body and 21st century fashion.

God, just writing it down makes me feel insane, having to say it aloud would surely get me locked up in the nuthouse if my attitude and personality don't do the job first. Since arriving, let's just say I haven't exactly taken to the customs of the late 19th century.

Maybe I'm in a coma?

Please don't be a coma.

But maybe that would be better than reality. I'd rather not marry John Harker if I don't have to.

Ugh! My thoughts are so scattered I don't even remotely know what to do to solve this problematic situation I've found myself in. The only thing I've been able to do is keep an eye on John for Mina's sake, and I've only been doing that since the sisters running around this hospital haven't been letting me wander away from his bedside. Every time I try to leave the room they usher me back to his side.

"He needs you," one will coo.

"He's sleeping." I said, marginally disgusted by her sweet voice. It was too over the top.

"It is your presence that keeps him strong!"

"If he couldn't survive without my presence for five minutes, then I daresay, sister, he never should have left my side in the first place." My rebuttals had quieted the sisters, though they still kept me firmly by John's side. You better appreciate the eye I'm keeping on him, Mina. This task is aggravating beyond compare, being treated as an untrustworthy child not able to roam freely on her own. If I had to be thrusted into Mina's life and body, why couldn't it have been at a better moment in the novel like when she meets Helsing or when she's with Lucy?

Oh, thank God—it seems like John's stirring. I'll be back soon...

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