Chapter 12: Paradise

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With those words, Akio suddenly felt himself being pulled through the opening Shober left behind, out of physical time and space and into the Second Heaven. Around him, he could see St. Michael, the Band of Cesil and Yoko travelling with him, picking up speed with each passing moment.

The little boy was amazed at the sights and sounds that greeted him. Everywhere he looked, bright stars shone brilliantly, and cosmic battles raged on, leaving terrifying explosions in their wake. The angels of God were making war with Satan's demons, clearing paths for their heavenly brothers to descend to Earth and for deceased saints to ascend to Heaven.

Ahead of them, Akio could see the familiar constellation of Orion, the Hunter. The party was hurtling towards it at many times the speed of light, a feat impossible in the physical realm but easily done in the spirit. As he watched, he realised that they were heading towards the bright red nebula in the lower half of the constellation.

"That nebula up ahead is our gateway to the Third Heaven," answered St. Michael, reading Akio's thoughts. "There are many more like it in the Universe, but this is one of the better-known."

Moments later, the group passed through the opening in the nebula, and Akio found himself in a bright open space. There was no darkness anywhere, only light that had never been seen on Earth. While the colourspectrum on Earth contained three primary colours, the light Akio was seeing now must have contained dozens if not more. The sight of these new colours alone made the little boy want to faint.

Seeing this, St. Michael held the boy firmly in his large arms and imparted the spiritual strength necessary to withstand the sight. "This is only the beginning of our journey, child," he told him. "We have reached the lowest level of the Third Heaven, which is called Paradise."

As Akio's eyes began to adjust to this strange new environment, he saw a magnificent walled garden up ahead, with tall gates made of pearls and pure gold. Angels of various kinds were patrolling the area, welcoming new souls into the Garden by the gates.

"We will need to enter through one of those gates," St. Michael explained. "No one may enter these heavenly realms unless they have clearance from the Father and the Son."

The archangel strode ahead of his companions and approached the nearest gate. It was being kept by an ancient saint in white robes, seated at a booth with a book and pen in his hand.

"Peace be with you, brother Dismas!" greeted St. Michael warmly. "I'm bringing brother Akio and his helper Yoko up through Paradise to meet the King of kings."

"Peace be with you, O holy archangel and servant of the Most High God!" replied St. Dismas reverently. "Are these the ones travelling with you?"

"Yes," answered St. Michael. "You may inspect them for yourself before you let them enter."

Dutifully, the saint walked over to where Akio and Yoko were and examined them with eyes of fire. After a few moments, he was satisfied with what he saw, and a broad smile crept across his wizened face.

"They have the seal of the Lamb of God," he remarked to St. Michael, "and may enter through the gates into the Garden. Come, blessed ones!" he declared, turning to Akio and Yoko, "enter into the Garden of Delight, the first domain of the children of Adam."

Excitedly, the little boy and his fairy ran past the saint and through the golden gates. As he passed the old man by, Akio noticed that there were holes in the saint's hands.

"What's this?" he exclaimed in astonishment, stopping to look at the man's scars. "Where did you get these wounds?"

"Oh, these?" asked the saint, with a knowing look on his face. "I received these wounds in the house of my friends."

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