13. I heard how naive you are

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I woke up with perhaps the hardest hangover to bear. I felt sick, my throat was fucking dry, and my head was about to explode. I sighed, with great difficulty getting out of bed, intending to go to the kitchen for hangover medication. Nessa, who was still asleep, lay on the couch in the living room. She was covered only with a blanket and was lying in a really strange position. I headed for the kitchen and reached for hangover powder and water. I poured water into a glass and then poured the powder there, and as soon as I thoroughly mixed it, I set off to my room with the ready-made medicine that I am going to drink right away. I covered myself tightly with the duvet and turned on the TV on the wall opposite my bed. I turned on some random program and started drinking, hoping to feel better soon. I felt an additional feeling of nausea when I remembered my yesterday's conversation with Noriega, which was not pleasant and there were a lot of strong words. Suddenly, I heard the door to my room open and Nessa stood in the doorway, wrapped in a blanket.

- Can I join you? - she asked in a sleepy voice, then yawned, and I nodded to her that she could come

The brunette lay comfortably next to me, then looked at me meaningfully. We looked at each other for a while, having an extremely strange conversation on signatures, but when we noticed that each of us was not coping well with it, we decided to communicate normally.

- You were supposed to tell me what happened with Cooper. - she started calmly, and I sighed heavily and realized that this was the perfect moment for a sincere conversation between us

- So it's quite a complicated situation. So, from the beginning when I joined this school, I heard a lot of negative stories about Cooper, considered him to be the biggest asshole, and I wasn't going to talk to this man ever again. But then suddenly the teacher came up with the idea that we should do this stupid project together. And so somehow it started today that we saw each other more and more often, we talked more and more, even though I once confessed to myself that I would never speak to him in my life. As time went on, in some strange way I really started to care for him. We kissed a few times, he helped me many times, we had honest conversations ... - I said, feeling like tears are starting to accumulate in my eyes, which I really did not want at this point

- Honest conversations? Cooper and honest conversations? What the hell?! What were you talking about then? - Barrett was surprised, who remembered that Noriega is a very secretive and mysterious man who is rather reluctant to show feelings and emotions

- About his family, for example. - I sighed, remembering the course of that conversation

- About his family ?! - She repeated my words, and her eyes were wider and wider- Cooper did not even want to tell me anything about it, and we have been friends for several years. Sab, this is a huge sign for you.

- What kind? - I asked, watching the girl carefully

- That you are very important to him, Sab. Like no one else. - She commented, and my heart started to beat faster

- No. Wait, because I haven't finished telling you the story. Well, a lot has happened between me and Cooper recently, and he just told me a few days ago that it meant nothing. I felt so damn used. Like all the other girls. Only I really started to feel something for him. - my words hurt me more and more because I realized what was really going on in my heart, and something was happening that definitely should not

- But you're not like all those other girls, Sab.- Nessa sat more comfortably, at the same time so that she could clearly see my face and the emotions that I was showing - You are someone special for him, believe me. The other girls were only with him for one night, and he kept looking for contact with you. Besides, in most meetings you talked and had fun together without all sorts of pleasures like sex. And I've known Cooper for a long time and I know that with other girls he only did that and that was the end of it, and with you .. he likes to spend time in a different way. He loves to talk to you, joke, party and even banter. In my opinion, you should talk to each other calmly and honestly about everything.

I want it that way - Sabrina Quesada&Cooper NoriegaWhere stories live. Discover now