8. It's about Cooper

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Pov. Sab
In my mind, I was screaming, arguing with myself, challenging everything that was close. What happened, shouldn't. I blamed myself for letting it happen and letting my thoughts and feelings totally blow out. I was carefully analyzing every moment of this whole situation that happened a few hours ago. All day at school, I couldn't focus on anything. My only thoughts circled around my kiss with Cooper. I know a lot of girls would like to be me right now, but I have two bloody wonders. The first, why he did it, and the second, whether it had anything to do with his words yesterday.

I was just sitting at one of the tables in a nearby cafe, in the company of Nessa, who was a witness to the whole situation and together with me she is looking for a logical solution to all of this. Though I think both of us will never find him.

- Ness, with each fucking thought I get lost in it. - I gasped nervously, hiding my face in my hands and rubbing it lightly

- Sab, take it easy. It was just one kiss.- The girl was still trying to explain, but for a few minutes she hadn't been doing very well

- But isn't it fucking weird to you that he says something like that to me, and the next day he kisses me in front of practically everyone!? - I was getting more and more impatient and I felt bloody unsatisfied that I did not explain the matter right away

- It's kind of weird, but Sab.. Cooper is just like that. Complicated in every way. Nobody can ever fully understand it. He is my best friend and I love him very much, but all I wish for you is not to fall in love with him. He will destroy you, and most of all, he will break your heart, that's for sure. I don't want this for you. So please be careful. - she said, in a very convincing way, which made me regret this kiss more and more with each word

- I don't want that either. I never ever want to feel anything for him. And it's never gonna happen okay? - I looked at her questioningly, trying to read her expression if she understood and agreed with my words

- I'm afraid you've already done it .. - She whispered suddenly, and my whole body was overwhelmed by a terribly strange feeling that I could not even define

- What? - I don't know why I even shouted, staring straight into the eyes of the dark-haired girl, and in my mind a hundred times analyzing the words she said

- Maybe you do not feel such "love" for him, but you can see that he stopped being indifferent to you. He has become someone for you. I don't know who that is yet. But you certainly are not indifferent to you, Sab. But please don't get too deep into this. Finish it before it's too late. - the girl stroked my hand gently, then got up from her seat and headed for the exit from the cafe, leaving me alone with millions of thoughts per second

Over a dozen times in my mind, I repeated the words of my friend, and each time I got lost in it even more. I felt like I immediately lost control of everything. My life was so perfectly in order until this mystery boy showed up and ruined everything. He broke the order in my teenage world. He was like a tornado that suddenly appears and destroys everything around it.

But I still had that one thought about that kiss. Yes, I realize that Cooper and this type of entertainment is the norm for many people. However, something does not suit me in this whole situation and does not leave me alone. I knew I had to find out what was going on. I began to wonder exactly from whom I could hear an answer or a clue. And then Jaden Hossler- Cooper's best friend, avid musician and songwriter - flashed into my mind. A typical rebellious teenager who tries to take advantage of everyone who gets in his way, mainly because of his problems and failures in life. He often finds it difficult to control his emotions, which often causes him to get into a lot of trouble.

I was pretty sure he knew the truth, but something I was fucking afraid of was going to him. Hossler is not a nice person, he is nice only occasionally to his closest relatives. I was afraid of how he would react to my questions, or whether he would even want to devote some of his attention to me. I knew that the place where I could look for him is square next to garages located a bit behind our school. The boy spent a hell of a lot of time there, mostly in the company of his buddies. Unfortunately, this place is not a safe one. A lot of pathological teenagers and even adults spend their time there. I didn't want to get hurt, but this time my curiosity won it all.

I want it that way - Sabrina Quesada&Cooper NoriegaWhere stories live. Discover now