1. Sabrina Quesada, babe

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I barely had time to cross the threshold of the school, which I was away from for about a month due to football tournaments, and Jenice, the sexiest girl in our school, was already hanging her arms around my neck, but in total how sexy, so stupid.

- Hi handsome. - She whispered in my ear, her hand lightly playing with my hair - I missed you.

- Hey Jenice. - I replied dryly, because the conversation wasn't my favorite activity with this blonde girl

- Hope to see you tonight? - she released me from her embrace, and a fleeting smile appeared on her face

- I couldn't say no to you. - I looked at her carefully, biting my lip at the same time, the girl laughed

- You know, in fact, that there is a new girl in our class. I don't like her. Such a gloomy, more polite than God and even boast nothing.- she pulled me towards our classroom, and with the last sentence she quickly looked at me to make sure I know what she meant

- Which one is it? - I asked as we entered the biological room and looked around the room without seeing any new face

- Ugh, she's not here yet. But it'll probably be soon because she's never late. - she replied, then walked towards our bench, and I lumbered after her

I sat down comfortably on the chair, took out the necessary books and notebooks on the bench, and then leaned my head against my elbow because I felt really sleepy and I was just trying to stay awake. Suddenly, my attention was caught by a girl of medium height entering the room, with brown eyes, hair reaching slightly beyond her breasts, and her clothes very loose, because she was wearing gray sweatpants, a tight pink crop top and white sneakers. I watched her closely until the girl sat down next to Amelie, one of our class nerds.

- Nothing special, right? - Jenice moved closer to me, seeing my gaze focused on the new person

I didn't answer her anything. I'm probably going to fuck her anyway, like almost every girl in this school. This is what my stupid life is like. School, training, parties, sex. And it is like that all the time. My mother owns many hotels around the world, so she is away most of the time because she has to look after each of these places. I haven't had contact with my father for a long time and I don't even miss him, because he just disappeared from my life so suddenly, he was never interested in me, so I got used to life as if he didn't exist at all. For as long as I can remember, I have to deal with myself. Our housekeeper, Andy, is only with me at home, and she takes care of the whole house during the absence of my mother, who comes here very rarely, which also with time ceased to concern me.

I was disturbed by the slightly louder voice of the teacher who was currently sending my friend Olivier to the headmaster because of bad behavior in her lesson. I laughed. This woman is really bothered by literally everything, so during the hours with her, I just try to shut up completely and not enter into discussions with this obsolete viper at all, because I don't want to lose my place on the soccer team that I currently belong to.

As soon as the teacher was satisfied with her deed, she saw my friend leaving, she returned to the lesson, but she started writing something on the blackboard so I decided to take a look. The word "paired project" was written in big letters. Already at this point I knew what was going to happen. She looked carefully at the students, then began selecting pairs.

- Cooper Noriega. - I heard my name suddenly pronounced in a screeching voice - You will work with..

She paused for a moment and she looked at the other three. I was free, Carlos, which is probably the most boring boy in the world, Ginny who unfortunately is my cousin, which I curse every day, and this new mysterious girl.

I want it that way - Sabrina Quesada&Cooper NoriegaWhere stories live. Discover now