Start from the beginning

"Heeseung..." He repeated and flashed a smile before pulling me away. I just stared at his back while I let myself being pulled by him. I roamed my eyes around when I noticed we are taking an unfamiliar route in the palace.

I covered my nose when I smelled an awful scent. He took me to a horse ranch, "Excuse the smell, Your Highness. I just need to get Tucker."


He turned around to face me, "We'll pass through the mountains, Your Highness. It's the only way to get to Miren aside from the main road. It's hard to use car, so we'll just use my horse."

My eyes widened, "Y-you mean... we are riding that horse?!"

He chuckled, "Yes. Tucker is a good boy. He won't hurt you, unless you hurt him first."

I unconsciously gulped and faked a laugh, "Of course I won't hurt him." I walked towards the horse, "Hi Tucker, I am Ar-" I got cut off when the horse neighed. I frowned and looked at Heeseung who seems to be enjoying the situation.

"He doesn't like me!"

He shook his head and brushed Tucker's hair, "He likes you. He usually neighs when he gets excited."

My pout faded, it was immediately replaced with a smile, "Really?" My eyes lit up and slowly touched the horse, "You like me, huh?"

"I do." Heeseung suddenly said which made me halt in my position. His eyes widened, "I mean. Yes, he does."

I blinked twice before slowly facing Tucker again. I ran my fingers through his hair. Oh, I didn't know a horse would be this cute. Now I want to buy one and make it my pet!

"We should go before someone else finds out, Your Highness."

I properly stood up and nodded. Heeseung opened Tucker's stable. I step aside to let the horse pass, "You, first." He gestured his hands.

I pursed my lips and tried climbing up, but I kind of can't control my weight so Heeseung helped me. He touched my waist without my permission so that made my brow arch, "What are you doing?"

"If I remove my arms on your waist now, you'll fall, Your Highness, so excuse me for a bit."

I gulped and let him help me. When I was already on top of the horse, he then climbed up effortlessly. He pat Tucker's head before tilting his head, "Wrap your arms around me."

My forehead creased, "Excuse me?!"

He groaned, "Your Highness, do you want to fall? Tucker is a bit fast."

I bit my lower lip before slowly wrapping my arms around his waist. I heard a soft chuckle from him, "Hold on tight." He held my hands and pulled it to make me hug him more. My eyes widened when I almost bumped my face on his back.

Heeseung didn't lie when he said Tucker is a bit fast- I mean not just bit- he is very fast! I almost left my soul when the horse started running!

I closed my eyes and hugged Heeseung's back even more. The cold wind brushed my skin and to be honest, it feels refreshing. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up, "The stars... they are so beautiful..."

Mother... Father... are you one of them now?

I gulped when I could feel my eyes getting watery. My hair was blown by the wind. The mountain is dark but the moon and stars gave us light. I could hear crickets chirping and Tucker's gallop, "Are you okay, Your Highness?"

I sniffed and rested my head on his back, "Yes."

No. I am not, Alas...

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