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I was walking to Ben house and I looked in side the window and I saw Ben kissing someone else I drop everything in my hand and Ben Heard he saw me and I just ran.

Me and Tom were watching a movie and then we kissed but then I heard a something drop I look to the window I saw speed with tears running down his face and I stop and rushed too the door I yelled for speed to come back but he kept running.

I just went to the river and sat in the grass with tears running down my face and just listening to the water it sounded good it calmed me down I got up and went to buy food and came back to the river and sat down and ate my food and just listening in to the river flow 1 hour past I was walking home while I was walking home I heard foot steps following me and I looked behind me it was one someone from my school they ran up to me and some guys came out of nowhere one of then had a bat and I tried to defend myself but they kept beating me with the bat I was getting up but I felt something stab into me I look and a knife was in me they started to run away I fell to the floor I grabbed my phone I called 911

Hello what's your emergency.

p-please help me iv been st-stabed please he-help me

Ok hold on the ambulance are one there way.

While speed was trying to get help Ben was on a walk where speed was

Forward to the ambulance

I was walking and I heard an ambulance I went to check it out and they were picking up someone who was SPEED?! I ran towards them and saw speed he was stabbed and beaten I was able to go with speed...

To Be Continued...

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