3rd person POV:

George was always a kind hearted boy who loved the people in his village. Dream and Sapnap were the exact opposite of George, they hated all the people in the village and they also were heartless serial killers.

It was a normal day for George as he was giving smiles to all the people who passed by were he lived.

"HI George!" A little girl screamed in a very cheerful tone. "Hi Emily how are you doing this fine evening?" George told the happy little girl.

"Im doing great I actually have something for you." The girl said, reaching into her purse pulling out some money.

"Aw Emily you really don't have to give me money you could always spend it on candy or a toy." George said, giggling at the end.

"But I rather give it to someone who actually needs it." Emily said smiling a George.

"If you don't take it ill be really sad." Emily said, fake frowning so she can make George accept her offer.

George who was clueless of what she was doing immediately said "Oh dear Emily don't feel sad I'll take it if you really want me to.".

Emily smiled giving George the money. "Thanks George now I have to go to my mum before she gets me in trouble for running off byee!" Emily screamed before leaving.

George giggled and then put the money in his wallet that contained 2 bucks. He smiled as he remembered the person who gave him the wallet, it was a kind man who's name was Karl.

Karl had a boyfriend called Quackity and they were all bestfriends. That's until they moved in with a friend that was all the way on the other side of town.

George was sad the day they left so he kept the wallet Karl had brought him while he was shopping with Quackity.

George lived on the corner of a street that wasn't so filled with people but also had a good amount of things.

Some men in town had fallen in love with George's sweet smile and they had always tried to make him theirs but always got nicely rejected.

"George you really have to find shelter or go with someone right now!" A kid named Ranboo had yelled at him running to his house.

'Huh?' George thought as he looked at all the people who were once at the food stands now running. "Hey George wanna come home with me?" A man named Keith asked him, worry filling his voice.

"Um no thank you Keith but I hope you have a nice day." George smiled and Keith sighed. "Thank you George have a nice day as well." Keith said then ran off.

After about 3 minutes the whole street was empty and George was confused and worried.

George then heard a sound of a small child. 'Emily.' He thought standing up then running to the alley way where he heard her scream.

Once he got there he saw 4 men standing infront of Emily. "Emily come here quick!" George yelled which made the 4 men look at him.

Emily looked at the men then at George then she ran up to George who picked her up and started running. "Hey wait up you can't escape!" One of the men screamed and started running after George.

George kept running until he lost the men then he went to Emily's house and knocked.

Emily's mom, Amelia, opened the door and saw Emily. "Omg George thank you for finding her I was so worried." Amelia cried grabbing Emily who was now sleeping.

"It's fine I must get going now have a nice day!" George said smiling his signature smile that made everyone feel safe.

"Byrr!" Amelia yelled back and closed the door. George smiled and then started to walk back to where he lived. He got back and saw that 1 of the men was on the ground crying while the other 3 comforted him.

"George!" The one crying yelled. "Y-yes?" George said walking up to his home but keeping a distance between the men.

The man who was crying looked up and got up. "George it's me Karl!" Karl yelled running up to George. "Wait how'd you find me?" George asked Karl.

"ME and my gang came here to look for you and when I saw your wallet on the ground I thought you had died or left so I started to break down." Karl said letting go of George.

"Where's Quackity?" George asked and Karl smiled. "I'm glad you remember me and Quackity he over here." Karl said grabbing George's hand and leading him over to the men who were talking.

"Guys I found him!" Karl yelled. One of the men who had a mask on immediately got his gun and shot George's leg.

"George!" Karl screamed and kneeled down next to George who let out a scream of pain. "Congrats on finding him Karl lets kill him now." A man with a white bandana said.

"We can't this is mine and Quackitys best friend!" Karl screamed. Quackity quickly ran towards George who was crying in pain.

"I don't care, he probably doesn't even have good blood." The man with the bandana said.

"You guys can't be serious!" Quacktiy yelled at the two other men. "We are, unless you can prove you us that he has good blood." The man with the white smiley mask challenged to which Quackity accepted.

"Hey George do you mind if I take some of your blood?" Quackitys asked George who was getting bandaged up by Karl.

"Um I don't mind." George smiled softly like he always did. "Thanks." Quackity thanked then grabbed a needle and sticker it in George. George flinched at this but then relaxed when Quackity took it out.

Quackity walked over to the two boys who apparently have been staring at George. "Guys here each one of you can get a little." Quackity said. The one with the mask took it off and then drank some of the blood.

"Wait how come his blood is really sweet?!" He asks, surprised that someone's blood could be really sweet. "I don't know man." Quackity said honestly.

"Wait let me try." The guys with the bandana said as he took the needle from the other man and then he tasted the blood.

"Wait that's actually really sweet." The guy with the bandana said drinking more.

"So can we keep him alive?" Quackity asked looking over at George who had somehow fallen asleep while Karl hugged him.

'Yes but we will need to take his blood once a week deal?" The guys with the bandana said. "Deal Dream and Sapnap." Quacktiy said.

Hey guys new story that might be my best idea. I don't have anything else to say so with all that being said I hope you eat food, drink water also I hope you stay happy and amazing I love you all/p baii

-thatonewithalongname <3

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