She responds with a chuckle before dropping my head pathetically making me snarl more, I try to move but the wolfsbane stings into my skin again. Instead I watch the blonde walk back to Derek.

"See these?" The blonde asks, opening Derek's mouth showing his fangs, Derek couldn't react. He was exhausted... I don't blame him. "These are canines. Also known as fangs. Made for the tearing and rending of flesh. Not something you find on those cute little herbivore eating animals is it?" The blond asks. Allison shakes her head in response and wraps her arms around herself anxiously.

"This is a joke to you?" Allison asks.

"Sweet heart. There are werewolves running around in the world. Everything is a joke to me." She chuckles. "How else do you think I stay safe?" The Blonde asks.

"So. It was him at the high school. And all of the animal attacks?" Allison asks.

"There are actually 4 of them." The blond explains turning off the light ."Another younger one, like them. . Called the beta. And then there's the Alpha. Alpha's the pack leader. Bigger. Stronger, Nastier." The blond explains, glancing between Derek and I to see if she can rile up a reaction. "Those are the real ugly ones." The blond finishes, before silently taking Allison out of the room now and continuing there conversation elsewhere.

"I'm sorry." Derek breaks the silence after a few minutes, his voice was barely a whisper. He sounded desperate. "Stiles.. Don't ignore me." He snaps after a moment with no reply.

"Why did you do it? Go on his side?" I finally ask, I hear him move around against the chains, not wanting to answer me, but we were stuck here for who knows how long, he had to talk.

"I have a plan. I knew I couldn't beat him that day in the hospital. Even with your help. So I follow along with it. It killed me knowing I was going behind your back. And I'm sorry." He answers, why is he apologising? Why does he care what I think it never stopped him before?

"Who's the blonde?" I question, ignoring his last few remarks.

"Kate Argent. Allison's Aunt. Or her fathers sister." He responds simply, the same person who shot Derek just a few weeks ago.

A long silence followed after that. It probably wasn't that long but it felt like hours, but finally the door walked in, this time Kate was by herself.

"You going to tell me who it is yet?" Kate asks Derek, receiving no response as his head hung low once again. She just sighs unamused and walks over to the table with the switches again, my heart skips a beat before she moves from the switches to something next to it.

She picks up his jacket that was laid on the table, going through it quickly and only finding a very unused phone making her roll her eyes annoyed.

"Come on Derek. He killed your sister. You know. You're not telling me because... You want to kill him yourself.. Or for some reason. You're protecting him." Kate says. She goes through his wallet and finds his licence and smirks.

She moves towards him stalking and grabs his jaw roughly, making him hold his head up, his eyes closed and pure annoyance was written all over his face, holding up the licence next to his face she continues. "Look at that Sour face." She chuckles before letting his head drop down roughly.

"Bet you always used to have people coming up to you saying. 'Smile Derek, Why don't you smile more?' Don't you just want to.. Kick those people in the face." Kate says evilly walking away.

"I could think of one." Derek snarls out scratching at the chains on his wrist angrily.

"Promise?" Kate grins cheekily, a flush of anger and disgust washes over me at this. "Cause if I thought you were that much fun. I'd let you go." She adds on before moving back to the table.

Complicated Love 》StilesxDerekWhere stories live. Discover now