Chapter 20: Security

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It was the afternoon of the next day, Hope was at home with Leah watching the men put the cameras in every nook and cranny.

After they was done, Hope paid them, and it was time for a session.

"Okay Leah remember what I told you to do?" Hope asked, kneeling in front of her sister.

"Yes." Leah answered.

"What did I say?"

"Don't go to the front door, don't look out of the windows, call for help, keep my watch on at all times, and hide if something happens."


Soon Leah eyes started to water and she started crying.

"I'm scared!"


Hope embrace her little sister in her arms tightly trying to calm her down.

"Leah it's alright, it's okay to be scared but sometimes you have to be strong."

Leah sniffles, looking up at her sister.

"Like you?"

"Like everyone."

She toke a deep breath and wipes away her tears.


"Alright, now all of this is for to prepare you, if I'm not here and if you are alone you know what to do, and it's not only for this it's for life as well."

Leah nods with a small smile and Hope smiles back.

"You know this is just how I was with mom and dad."


"Yes, I was so scared and didn't know what to do."

"So is that why mom gave me all those words of protection?"

"Yes, and it's a good thing to learn and for you to carry them for the rest of your life. Now want to continue our session?"

Leah nods, Hope stands up holding out her head to take and they walk around the house.

"Now you and people close to us can only know the secret passcode."

"Can I tell Amy?"

"Yes but when you really need to. You know the secrets, right?"


"Where to go and not to go?"


"Good. Now Leah I don't want to feel under pressure these are simple but not simple things. You understand right?"

"Yes, it's for our safety."

Hope smiles, it might seem a lot for a eight year old but so worth it.


After the session, Hope and Leah were watching a tv show then heard the doorbell.

"Stay here." Hope said, getting up walking into the hallway, she looks at the camera on her phone before opening the door.

"Hey Calleigh, Amy."

"Hi Hope." They said.

Hope moves aside, lets them in, looks outside before closing the door.

"I wasn't expecting guest."

"Well Amy wanted to spend the night and she wanted to ask you." Calleigh said.

"Short story, you wanted to have fun."

"Yep!" Amy said cheerfully.

"Haha, Amy you are welcome to sleepover whenever you want to. Leah is in the living room."

"So this is my second house?"


Amy hugs Hope before running into the living room.

"What have I got myself into?"

Calleigh laughs and they walk to the kitchen.

Handing Calleigh some water they started talking.

"So did the people come?" She asked.

"Yes, every corner and place you wouldn't expect is covered." Hope replied.

"This is crazy."

"I've been through a lot of things but nothing like this, I always thought that I should never let anyone get close to me unless I can trust them."

"I say the same thing everyday too, but not all the time it will work."

"You're right."

"And we'll get him, we just need to work harder and do what we're good at."

Hope smiles, Calleigh has a point, all they have to do is work hard and the job will get done.



Hope was humming in the shower, letting the hot water spray on her sore body. After a long day of heading to the Department to file more cases she was sore to the bone and all she wants to do is sleep.

After washing her hair she was leaning against the cold tile, slowly drifting away, but jumps and turns around, heavily breathing when she felt someone touch her.

"Woah baby it's me."

After hearing his voice calmed down and let him pull her to his body.

"I'm sorry if I scared you." Eric said.

"It's alright." Hope mumbled into into his chest.

"You're tired."


She shrieked as she was picked up bridal style and walked out of the bathroom into their room.

"Put me down!"

He set her on her feet before wrapping the towel around her.

"Let me do this." Was all he said as he started to dry her off.

Hope just lays her head on shoulder, too tired to really fuss him, she just let him do it.

After being fully dried, she was picked up again and under the covers.

"Sleep baby."

She slowly closed her heavy eyelids drifting off the sleep, before she was fully asleep she felt a soft kiss on her forehead which made her smile.

Today was rough and exhausted but she's glad she has everything that can make sure she catches him or makes him stay away.

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