Chapter 4: Confess(Part 2)

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A jeep and a police car pulls up in front of the Palmer's house, Calleigh and Hope got out walking to the front door, knocking, Ms. Palmer opens the door and was greeted with a paper.

"Ms. Palmer we have a search warrant to search your house." Calleigh said.

"For what?" Mary said confused.


The ladies walk inside straight to the bedroom. Going into the closet taking out shoe boxes they start their search.

"Would someone tell me what is going on and why are you two looking through my shoes." Mary said.

"Ms. Palmer everything will be answered once we find what we are looking for." Hope said, stopping she picks up at heel looking at it, "Well look at this. Blood and print is a match."


"Save it Ms. Palmer you are under arrest for the murder of your husband Greg Palmer." Calleigh said, "Cuff her."

The police officer cuffs Mary, and they walk out of the house.


Back down in the lab, Eric walks down the hall, seeing Hope, he knocks on the door before walking in.

"How's everything going?" He asked.

"One person down another one to go."

"Jeez this has been a long day."

"Indeed, all we need is the murder weapon and call it a day."


"Ms. Palmer you lied to me." Horatio said.

"I didn't kill my husband." Mary said.

"Ms. Palmer you did kill him, you shoe had blood on it and the prints match from the blood on your husband's shirt, I just want to know why."

Mary sighs, "Greg was selfish of not giving me what I wanted."

"You wanted his money, so you thought by killing him was a way of getting it."

"We never shared anything, he had his money I had nothing, she he gave me some but that wasn't enough for me to-"

"Leave with Mr. Lawner and start a new life."

Mary paused.

"How do you know that."

"Ms. Palmer I know a lot of things, take her away."

As the officer takes Mary away, it was time to bring down one more person.

Horatio was getting a phone call, it was Alexx, answering she said she has the bullets.


Cop cars and a jeep pulls up at Mr. Lawner's house, they went inside with their guns, they searched around the house and found nothing put pictures of Mr. Palmer with bullets.

Eric walks outside and saw Mr. Lawner run.

"Hey get back here!" Eric yelled, running after him.

Just soon enough Eric caught him, tackling him he checked him, grabs his gun, before picking him up and cuffing him.

"You're under arrest."


Back at the Department, Mr. Lawner was brought end.

"Well Mr. Lawner what do you have to say for yourself." Horatio said.

"That son of a bitch had it coming!"

"Why are you so angry with a man that's done nothing to you?" Eric asked.

"That spot was suppose to be mine! Everything!"

"It's not it's Sam's."

"Sam, that kid doesn't deserve it."

"You and Mary killed an innocent man for power and money, and framed it on a kid that deserves it more than you." Horatio said looking at Mr. Lawner. "Take him away."

The officers grabs Lawner and takes him away.

"It's over." Eric said.

"It is. It is."

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