Chapter 6

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"Let's see if taking a bath got rid of anyone's hiccups" said Cathy.

You listened for a minute and then Murray and Jeff both hiccuped.

"Murray and Jeff still have the hiccups" Patty giggled.

"Yes. But mine went away" Greg cheered.

"Wonderful!" said Cathy.

"Yay!" Patty squealed.

"What else could we do?" Jeff hiccuped.

"My poppo tried this on one of his coworkers. He made him do fifteen loop-de-loops in an airplane" said Patty.

"Patty, that's so silly" said Cathy.

"Well, if it worked on Mr James, it should work on these guys" said Patty.

She turned to the Wiggles and said "Do you Wiggles have a plane?"

"Yeah, we do. It... came with the Big Red Car" said Murray.

"It did? Where do you famous people shop?" said Cathy in astonishment.

The Wiggles led the two cousins to their plane. 

"Oh dear, girls. The tail feathers are missing from the plane" Murray hiccuped.

"They must have fallen off" said Jeff.

"Oh no. Patty, do we have anything to stick them back on?" said Cathy.

"Let's see... a-ha! We got a glue stick. That good?" said Patty.

"Perfect actually" said Cathy.

The girls glued the feathers back on the plane and Murray and Jeff flew it into the sky.

"They're about to do the loop-de-loops. Count backwards from fifteen with us" said Patty.

The girls counted backwards from fifteen as Murray and Jeff did fifteen loop-de-loops.

"Fifteen loop-de-loops. Great backward counting" said Cathy.

"Come on. Let's go see if their hiccups are gone" said Patty.

Patty and Cathy's Hiccup PolkaWhere stories live. Discover now