Chapter 2

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"Bravo! That was great!" said Patty.

"Thank you, thank you, Patty" said Jeff.

"Now let's play our game" said Murray.

"You betcha!" said Patty.

"You can join too if you'd like" said Cathy to you.

"You two are the guests so one of you can go first" said Anthony.

"Let's see. C is close to the beginning of the alphabet so Cathy can go first" said Patty.

"Thank you, Patty" said Cathy.

She made long ears with her hands and jumped up and down.

Jeff got up and said "Cathy Lane, you seem to have it. And I guess you are a rabbit" then shook Cathy's hand.

"Goodness, Jeff! Very well done. Now it's your turn to... um..." Cathy stuttered.

"Have some fun" Jeff corrected her.

"Have some fun. Thank you" said Cathy.

Jeff took Cathy's place and said "Alright, everyone. I'll do my best. Now it's your turn to guess guess guess".

He mimed cow horns and mooed.

"Jeff, when I needed to guess, I knew how. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, I think you're a cow" said Patty.

"Very good, Patty. A job well done. It's your turn now to have some fun" said Jeff shaking Patty's hand.

"Okay, everybody, I'm up next. Now it's your turn to guess guess guess" said Patty.

She laid down on her tummy and pretended to slither.

Murray stood up to guess then hiccuped. 

"Patty... you've no need for a break. My fine friend... Patty, I... think you're a... snake" he said.

He was hiccuping every other word.

Patty stood up again and said to Murray, "You got the hiccups!"

"Murray always gets the hiccups when we play animal charades" said Anthony.

"It drove his wife crazy" Jeff laughed.

Patty and Cathy's Hiccup PolkaWhere stories live. Discover now